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From: Elwyn Ingley [

Sent: Monday, 19 December 2005 3:30 PM

To: Family Responsibilities

Subject: Submission

Paid Work and Family Responsibilities

Sex Discrimination Unit

GPO Box 5218

Sydney NSW 2001

I welcome the comments in your paper regarding the difficulty men have participating in family life equally as fathers and carers due to the burden of work commitments and the continued expectation of them being primary breadwinners.

This scenario, together with the increase in participation of women in the workplace, risks men being squeezed out of both work and family.

The unanswered question (aside from what men want) then becomes what role does society expect or enable men to take?

While the role of men is critical to the overall issue, it seems all eight authors of the paper, according to the names indicated, are women.

For me, this simply undermines the credibility of the project, in the same way as if eight men presumed to represent women on the same subject.

"Striking a balance" becomes nothing more than a sad irony if it doesn't exist within the project itself.


Elwyn Ingley


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