To: disabdis Subject: cinema captioning/audio-description access Dear Michael Small, We are writing with regard to the Application for exemption under DDA Section 55: Cinema captioning and audio description. As parents of two adult children, one of whom is profoundly deaf, we have seen our daughter get upset and frustrated at the lack of progress in access to mainstream social and cultural activities such as cinema, DVDs, and television all her life. Indeed, when our children were younger, this lack of accessibilty very much limited what films we could all go and see together as a family. These issues have not improved markedly in recent, supposedly more enlightened times. We strongly believe that a much stronger stance needs to be taken to ensure full access is given and that the rights to complain when such services are unsatisfactory are retained. The current proposal by the cinema collective is appalling and shows no true commitment to ensuring equal access to an important social outlet, and the proposed result is way behind international standards of cinema access in similarly wealthy nations. We object to this exemption being granted, in light of greater recognition for the rights of deaf, hearing impaired, and vision-impaired people. Thank you for allowing us to respond. Yours sincerely, Lee and Hamish Ewing Fitzroy North, VIC. 3068