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Stretching Flexibility (1996)


Stretching Flexibility (1996)

Enterprise Bargaining, Women
Workers and Changes to Working Hours

examines the impact on women workers
of demands to work increasingly flexible hours.

The report includes
case studies which highlight, in particular, that employer's and employee's
definitions of' 'flexibility' are not necessarily synonymous. Many changes
to working time arrangements have only been partly implemented and often
depend on the discretion of the manager or supervisor.

The report stresses the need for
the maintenance and strengthening of minimum standards and protection
through a comprehensive 'no disadvantage' test, as well as the maintenance
and strengthening of consultation requirements.

The report's recommendations
aim to minimise disadvantage experienced by women as a result of changes
to working time arrangements, and to ensure that the different requirements
that women may have for flexible working arrangements at various stages
of their lives are addressed in the enterprise bargaining process.

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