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Commission – General

President's message | November 2024

Dear friends, I’m pleased to share the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Annual Report 2023-24 which has been tabled in the Australian Parliament. In my first three months in this role, one of the things that has struck me is the breadth and depth of the Commission’s work. Our Annual Report...

Category, E bulletin
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Ending QLD Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry is harmful and divisive

The Queensland Government’s decision to abolish the state’s Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry and repeal its Path to Treaty Act marks a major step backwards for First Nations rights, says Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Katie Kiss.

Category, Story
Business and Human Rights

Pandemic probe: Statistics can’t capture the loss of trust and confidence

The Covid-19 response inquiry report is an important first step, but there is much more that needs to be done if the government wants to start rebuilding public trust. The number one lesson should be that response measures do not operate in a vacuum. The full human impact needs to be understood and...

Category, Opinion
Children's Rights

NT youth crime laws fail children and the community

National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds said the passing of legislation in the Northern Territory that will see children as young as 10 years old jailed is a failure of all the support systems that should be helping these children.

Category, News
Commission – General

Human Rights Act for NSW

Advocating for a NSW Human Rights Act, Hugh de Kretser emphasizes its importance for First Nations and all citizens, highlighting the need for comprehensive human rights protections.

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

The year our Voice broke: The fallout from the failed referendum

“It’s gone.” That’s what Mick Gooda said to me plaintively half an hour into counting the votes to enshrine a First Nations Voice to parliament in our constitution on October 14, 2023. I’d started that day – a year ago today – with a high level of optimism that Australia was going to do this, that...

Category, Opinion
Children's Rights

NT Government urged not to lower age of criminal responsibility

The National Children’s Commissioner and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Commissioner have urged the Northern Territory Government to reverse its plan next week to introduce a new law to lower the age of criminal responsibility from 12 to ten years.

Category, Story
Commission – General

October 2024: Commission News | President's message

Dear friends, Australia is one of the safest, most stable and prosperous countries on the planet. For most of us, most of the time, it is a great place to live. For many Australians, human rights violations are things that happen to other people in other places, often overseas. This can lead to...

Category, E bulletin

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