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National plan to end gender-based violence must be fully resourced to achieve results

Sex Discrimination
Content type: Media Release
Topic(s): Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice / Indigenous Social Justice, Children, Sex Discrimination


Joint statement from:

Kate Jenkins

National Sex Discrimination Commissioner

June Oscar AO

Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander Social

Justice Commissioner

Anne Hollonds

National Children's Commissioner

The Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO

Age Discrimination Commissioner

The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022 to 2032 and calls for all Australian governments to commit resources toward ensuring the plan succeeds.

The Commission also welcomes the plan’s proposal for First Nations women to lead the development of a stand-alone plan to address violence against Indigenous women and children.

National Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins said: “It’s encouraging that all Australian governments have backed the plan and its ambitious target to end gender-based violence within a generation. For this to succeed, all governments will need to make significant investments in prevention and recovery strategies.”  

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar said: “First Nations women know the solutions for ending gender-based violence in our communities. We need government backing to develop and implement those solutions.”

Last month the Commission hosted a First Nations women’s safety policy forum, attended by leading figures from communities across Australia. The report from that forum, to be released later this year, will help inform the development of the stand-alone plan for First Nations communities. Delegates at the forum released a statement outlining major themes and approaches for the stand-alone plan.

National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds, a member of the National Plan Advisory Group, said the plan acknowledges children as victims of family and domestic violence in their own right.

“More work needs to be done to ensure that the experiences of children (both girls and boys) are properly recognised and addressed – particularly in light of emerging research about the lifelong negative effects of experiencing violence in childhood and the intergenerational nature of family violence,” Commissioner Hollonds said. 

Age Discrimination Commissioner Kay Patterson said: “Gender-based violence affects women of all ages and often has secondary impacts for older women, including homelessness. These impacts are often overlooked, and specific actions are required to address the consequences of violence against older women.”  

The plan, while positive in its aspirations, requires ongoing work to ensure the development and implementation of specific, evidence-based action plans which address the many drivers and impacts of family and domestic violence. The Australian Human Rights Commission looks forward to supporting its implementation.

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