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Royal Commission Commencement Welcomed

Commission – General
Content type: Media Release

The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the commencement of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of people with disability.

The Commission also welcomes the appointment of Disability Discrimination Commissioner Alastair McEwin to the Royal Commission.

The Commission warmly thanks Mr McEwin for his service over the last two and a half years.

“Alastair has made a significant contribution as Disability Discrimination Commissioner.

“He and his team have worked tirelessly on disability rights, including in the areas of justice, violence, housing, NDIS, transport, education and employment,” said Commission President Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM.

Mr McEwin will stand down as Disability Discrimination Commissioner immediately.

“It has been a true honour to serve the Australian disability and wider community. I now look forward to serving the community as a Royal Commissioner,” said Mr McEwin.

The Commission notes the Attorney has announced the appointment of Dr Ben Gauntlett as Disability Discrimination Commissioner, and we look forward to working with him.

Media contact: Sarah Bamford (02) 9284 9758 or 0417 957 525