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Sex Discrimination

Achieving a Gender Equal World

Over the last 7 years I have become more and more convinced of one thing - this is my second theme. To deliver equality for women we need to focus on men. We need men taking the message of gender equality to other men. It’s not about men speaking for women or saving women. We can take care of ourselves, thank you very much. It is about men stepping up beside us, working in partnership with us, so that promoting women’s leadership becomes everyone’s business. It’s about men as equal partners with us in ensuring that the WEPs come to life to transform our businesses and communities to move us to a world where – power and leadership is shared equally between men and women.

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Sex Discrimination

Women of Influence Awards

Thank you Brian and Westpac and Greg and Fairfax for conceiving and sponsoring these awards. The WOI awards not only lift the visibility of female leaders, but provide a crucial platform for women to expand their influence – and in so doing create a more gender equal Australia. And for that I am very grateful. Thank you.

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Sex Discrimination

McKinsey Asia Week

It’s a great pleasure to be speaking here today. Congratulations Dominic and Kevin and the conference leaders for giving priority to the issue of women’s leadership. As Natalie mentioned, I have the immense privilege of being Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner. This role has taken me from 200 metres under the sea in a submarine to the United Nations in New York, to camping out with aboriginal women in Northern Australia, to the mountains and valleys of Afghanistan, the White House, the Pentagon, NATO and the World Bank ALL in the same year.

Category, Speech
Sex Discrimination

Sydney Girls High School – Annual Presentation Day

It is indeed a privilege to be invited to speak to you all at such an important time in many of your lives. In my job I get the opportunity to see and be with people of all walks of life, across all parts of Australia. And it is wonderful to be able to include today in my experiences – it is giving the chance to be with an incredibly talented group of young women, who I hope to see in leadership and decision-making positions across Australia in the future – it is incredibly inspiring.

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Sex Discrimination

The face of gender-based discrimination in Australian workplaces

UN Women 2013 International Women’s Day Panel: Implicit stereotypes, explicit solutions: overcoming gender-based discrimination in the workplace Conference Room 2, North Lawn Building, UN 1.15 – 2.30pm, Friday 8 March ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY** The different faces of gender discrimination in...

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