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Rights and Freedoms

What is happening in Ukraine should matter to every Australian

OPINION There is almost 13,000km between Australia and Ukraine. It is literally on the other side of the world. Given the vast distances that separate us, it would be easy to claim that what happens there has nothing to do with us. That Australia should focus instead on the many challenges we...

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Time for review on COVID-19 border and quarantine restrictions

OPINION With the McGowan Government announcing earlier this week that the Western Australian hard border will ease on February 5, 2022, Australia is inching ever closer to border closures becoming a thing of the past. But while many of us would like this to be true, it is important to realise that...

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Loss of freedoms and rights has harmed us

OPINION November 18, 2021 Ronald Reagan famously said that “freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction”. For many Australians, until recently, freedom has been something we have largely been able to take for granted in our daily lives. But with millions...

Category, Opinion
Age Discrimination

Generational divide? It’s more myth than reality

Although antagonism between the generations is often seen as inevitable, the ‘generational wars’ we hear about are not supported by Australians themselves. A new report by the Australian Human Rights Commission, What’s age got to do with it? A snapshot of ageism across the Australian lifespan...

Category, Opinion
Children's Rights

Protect children from data surveillance

Even before birth, Australian children are the targets of technology that collects their data and threatens their privacy – but right now we have an opportunity to protect them and future generations. Parents who use pregnancy apps or share ultrasounds on social media can expect information about...

Category, Opinion
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Return to country endangered by failure to invest

Covid-19 has triggered the most significant return to country by First Nations people since the homeland movement commenced in the 1960s. Thousands, like myself, returned to remote communities out of necessity. Facing the unknown, our family leaders who could made the courageous decision to gather...

Category, Opinion
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

We have failed to recognise the contributions of First Nations women and girls

Our voices heard and understood. Our lives and expertise recognised. Our actions counted and invested in as critical to the health and wellbeing of society. These are the powerful and determined calls of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls in Australia today.    They are set-out...

Category, Opinion

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