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Commission – General

Issues Affecting Behaviour in the Workplace

I would like to begin by thanking the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) for inviting me to address you today, and thank Margaret Boylan (Regional Director, APS Commission, SA/NT) for her warm welcome.

Category, Speech
Sex Discrimination

Speeches on Sex Discrimination Issues

Speeches on Sex Discrimination Issues Click here to visit the Sex Discrimination section [ Year: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2002 : 2001 : 2000 : 1998 : 1997 : 1996 ] 2012 Working without fear Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human...

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

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It is a very great honour for me to be invited to give this third lecture in commemoration of the great Aboriginal mathematician and scientist, David Unaipon.

Category, Speech
Disability Rights

Innes: Employment of people with disability in the APS

You would be aware that - according to its own reports - employment of people with disability in the APS has almost halved during the last two decades. You would also be aware of the strong public commitment by the Australian government to reduce the high unemployment and under-employment of Australians with disabilities.

Category, Speech
Sex Discrimination

Gold Coast Centre against Sexual Violence: the Official Opening (2010)

I want to begin by acknowledging that we are gathered here today on the traditional land of the Gombemberri people. I pay my deepest respects to their elders both past and present. Thank you Aunty Patricia for your welcome to country and to the Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dancers performing the smoking ceremony and the performance – it is fantastic that we can open this very important building with such joy and beauty – thank you.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Asia Pacific Forum meeting: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2001)

Although the first Human Rights Commission was established by federal legislation in 1981, ICESCR was not added to its mandate (unlike the ICCPR). The omission was repeated when the new (current) Commission was established in 1986.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Creating Fairness and Equality in the Workplace

It is now 12 months since the introduction of WorkChoices radically restructured Australia’s industrial relations system. Today, I propose to reflect on the implications of WorkChoices for the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) and to outline reforms HREOC believes are necessary to safeguard fairness and equality in the workplace.

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

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I begin by acknowledging the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, the traditional owners of the land where we meet today, and pay my respects to their elders. I would also like to thank the LIME conference organisers -- and Gregory Phillips and Lisa Jackson-Pulver in particular -- for inviting me to speak tonight and for organising this event and for ensuring that Indigenous health – so often overlooked in the ongoing debates about health and health reform in Australia – receives the attention it deserves in this context.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Site navigation

Amongst all this expertise, it is fair to ask why is the President of the national human rights commission – and particularly a President who has only fairly recently commenced in this role - here presenting the keynote speech to such a conference?

Category, Speech
Disability Rights

Launch of Accessing Abilities

Allow me to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we stand [the Nyoongar people] and pay my respects to their elders both past and present.

Category, Speech
Sex Discrimination

Ausyouth Conference 2001

The creation of Ausyouth is an initiative that clearly picks up on the real-life needs of today's youth, an initiative that has the potential to foster the building blocks of a progressive caring society, and from a human rights perspective, it's an initiative that addresses some of Australia's obligations with respect to international instruments, to which we as a nation are committed.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

"I'm the boss, so that's the way it is!"

I would like to begin by thanking the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) for inviting me to address you today, and to thank you for your attendance.

Category, Speech

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