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Commission – General

Commission announces 2021 Human Rights Awards finalists

Every year the Commission holds the Human Rights Awards to celebrate human rights achievements. It is a chance to acknowledge, congratulate and share the important work of organisations, businesses, and individuals across the nation.

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Rights and Freedoms

Lorraine Finlay commences term as Human Rights Commissioner

Lorraine Finlay has commenced her term as Human Rights Commissioner. Commissioner Finlay, whose appointment was announced in September, said she was looking forward to working to protect and promote human rights and freedoms with her colleagues at the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Category, Story
Rights and Freedoms

Loss of freedoms and rights has harmed us

OPINION November 18, 2021 Ronald Reagan famously said that “freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction”. For many Australians, until recently, freedom has been something we have largely been able to take for granted in our daily lives. But with millions...

Category, Opinion
Commission – General

March ebulletin

News and updates from the Australian Human Rights Commission

Category, E bulletin
Commission – General

Human Rights Day Oration 2020: Rosemary Kayess and Nas Campanella

The 2020 Human Rights Day Oration was delivered by leading disability rights advocate Rosemary Kayess, winner of the 2019 Human Rights Medal, and a contributor to the drafting of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Ms Kayess discussed the social transformation of...

Category, Speech
Commission – General

September ebulletin

However, given the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 we believe a new and different approach is needed to celebrate the many human rights heroes who have emerged this year.

Category, E bulletin

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