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Conciliation Register

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Adjustments provided 

Revised terms and conditions 

Complainant satisfied with response/information provided 


The complainant has a brain injury and alleged the respondent theatre company did not allow the online purchase of companion tickets and that seating maps did not show the location of doors or steps. 

The theatre company advised that, in response to the issues raised in the complaint, it undertook a review and upgrade of its online ticket purchasing platform and seating maps. The company said the new ticket purchasing platform allowed for easier and more streamlined purchase and verification of companion tickets. 

The complainant considered that the actions taken by the theatre company resolved her complaint. 

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Pregnancy
Areas Employment
Outcome details


Statement of service

Amount $32,000

The complainant was employed by the respondent multinational corporation. She alleged her manager discouraged her from applying for a national role after he became aware she intended to undertake in-vitro fertilisation. She also alleged that the company made her role redundant while retaining a less experienced male in a similar role. 

The company said the work formerly performed by the complainant was transferred to a national team as part of a restructure. The company said the male referred to by the complainant had twenty years’ experience. The company claimed conversations about potential roles for the complainant were based on her welfare and not intended to discourage her from applying for roles. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company pay the complainant $32,000 general damages and provide her with a statement of service. 

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Pregnancy
Areas Employment
Outcome details


Statement of service 

Amount $32,000

The complainant was employed by the respondent multinational corporation. She alleged her manager discouraged her from applying for a national role after he became aware she intended to undertake in-vitro fertilisation. She also alleged that the company made her role redundant while retaining a less experienced male in a similar role.

The company said the work formerly performed by the complainant was transferred to a national team as part of a restructure. The company said the male referred to by the complainant had twenty years’ experience. The company claimed conversations about potential roles for the complainant were based on her welfare and not intended to discourage her from applying for roles.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company pay the complainant $32,000 general damages and provide her with a statement of service.

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Sex
Areas Employment
Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions

Policy change/Change in practice


The complainant is employed as a retail assistant with the respondent retailer. She alleged the company’s appearance standards policy, which had recently been circulated, required female employees to wear make-up and used gendered language and stereotypes. For example, she said the policy required women to wear their hair tied back, rather than requiring any employee with long hair to tie the hair back.

The company said the policy was developed in response to concerns that some staff members were not appropriately groomed. The company sells cosmetics and said it therefore wished to ensure staff were properly groomed and wore make-up.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company redraft the policy to adopt less gendered language and requirements. The company undertook to send the policy to all store managers for distribution to staff. The company agreed to include an apology for any offence caused to staff by the previous policy in its email to managers.

Act Age Discrimination Act
Grounds Age
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions 

Policy change/Change in practice


The complainant is 77 years of age and alleged the respondent insurer did not offer him motorbike insurance because of its policy not to insure riders over the age of 75.

The insurer that, while there was a policy of not insuring riders over 75, staff had discretion to offer coverage to older riders. The insurer considered the complainant should have been offered insurance given he had previously held insurance policies and had made no claims under the most recent policy.

The complaint was resolved. The insurer agreed to update its policies and online systems to provide for the automatic acceptance of quotes for riders aged over 75, noting that whether cover was offered would otherwise be subject to the usual underwriting criteria.

Act Age Discrimination Act
Grounds Age
Areas Employment
Outcome details


Amount Approximately $24,500

The complainant is 70 years of age and was employed as a coordinator at the respondent childcare provider. She claimed her manager fabricated concerns about her performance and the organisation placed her on a performance management plan. She alleged her manager and the company were pressuring her to resign because of her age.

The company claimed genuine concerns were held about the complainant’s performance and arose from complaints by co-workers about her conduct. The company claimed the performance improvement plan was designed with the aim of helping the complainant improve her performance rather than to pressure her to resign.

The complaint was resolved. The parties agreed to end the employment relationship.  The company agreed to pay the complainant approximately $17,000 in outstanding entitlements on a fortnightly basis, followed by a lump-sum payment of approximately $7,500.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Administration of Commonwealth laws and programs
Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Adjustments provided 

Revised terms and conditions

Anti-discrimination/EEO policy reviewed/revised 

Policy change/Change in practice 

Anti-discrimination/EEO training reviewed/revised 


The complainant has post-traumatic stress disorder, prolonged bereavement disorder and anxiety. He advises that he experienced difficulty in writing due to his disability. The complainant sought to lodge a complaint with the respondent government agency and was informed complaints must be made in writing. He alleged the agency declined to accommodate his disability by taking a statement by phone.

On being notified of the complaint, the government agency indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the government agency take a statement from the complainant by phone. The agency also undertook to to review its accessibility and complaint policies and to deliver regular training to staff on delivery of an accessible service to people with disability.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Unlawful to contravene Disability Standards
Areas Education
Outcome details

Adjustments provided 


Amount Approximately $2,200

The complainant’s son has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, chronic lung disease and an intellectual disability and attended a public school for children with chronic and complex disability needs. The complainant alleged his son was spending too long travelling between school and home on the respondent department’s free transport service for children attending the school. He alleged that the department’s policy of allowing children to spend up to four hours per day travelling to and from school was discriminatory.

On being notified of the complaint, the department indicated a willingness to try to resolve the matter by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the department pay the complainant approximately $2,200 as a contribution towards the cost of arranging private transportation for the child to travel to school in the morning. It was agreed the child would continue to use the department’s transportation in service in the afternoon.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Areas Employment
Outcome details



Statement of service

Amount $2,000

The complainant has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette's syndrome, learning and developmental disability and generalised anxiety disorder.  He claimed that, on his first day of employment as a truck driver with the respondent company, he told his manager about his disability and need for assistance with writing, computer work and learning new tasks. He alleged the company did not make reasonable adjustments with respect to written and computer work. He also alleged a colleague bullied him, including by saying words to the effect ‘dumb f**k, I’m going to get you fired!’ and falsely accusing him of assault. The complainant said the company terminated his employment before the end of his probationary period.

The company claimed it terminated the complainant’s employment due to poor performance and not because of his disability.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company pay the complainant $2,000 ex-gratia, provide him with a statement of service and offer a contact person as referee for future job applications. 

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Sexual harassment
Areas Employment
Outcome details

Statement of regret - private


Amount $5,000

The respondent labour-hire company placed the complainant at a dental practice in the role of dental assistant. The complainant alleged a dentist sexually harassed her, including by touching her arm, standing close to her, breathing down her neck and asking questions about her personal life. She alleged the labour-hire company stopped offering her work after she complained about the behaviour.

On being advised of the complaint the labour hire company agreed to participate in conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the labour hire company pay the complainant $5000 and write to her expressing regret for the events giving rise to her complaint.

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Sexual harassment
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details



Anti discrimination/EEO training introduced 

Amount $2,500

The complainant attended the respondent film school to have a showreel recorded. She alleged the film director sexually harassed her during filming, including by saying "yes I am big… it's big alright… am I in?’. She claimed the film school did not respond to her complaint about the director’s conduct.

On being advised of the complaint the respondents indicated a willingness to try to resolve the matter by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the film school pay the complainant $2500, write to the complainant apologising for the incident, deliver training on sexual harassment to all staff and inform all staff and students about the internal complaint process for allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Act Sex Discrimination Act
Grounds Sexual harassment
Areas Employment
Outcome details



Amount $10,000

The complainant was employed as a manager at a gym. She alleged the gym’s owner sexually harassed her, including by inviting her to travel with him, noting his wife would not mind, and inviting her to move in with him if she ever broke up with her partner. The respondent had sold the gym before the complaint was lodged with the Commission.

The gym’s former owner denied the allegations but agreed to participate in conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the gym’s former owner pay the complainant $10,000 and write to the complainant apologising for anything he did that she construed as sexual harassment.

Act Age Discrimination Act
Grounds Age
Areas Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions


The complainant is 66 years of age and an alumni of the respondent university. He sought to join a university club and alleges the club offered membership free of cost only to alumni under the age of 35. He said the club did not offer him free membership despite him being retired and on a fixed income.

The university claimed that the offer of free membership to alumni under 35 was not unlawful because it constitutes positive discrimination. The university claimed the differential rate for young alumni was offered to recognise a lack of membership in this age group and to try to increase the youth take up of membership with a view to improving retention.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the university waive the club joining fee for the complainant.

Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Disability
Unlawful to contravene Disability Standards
Areas Disability Standards
Outcome details

Education - other 

Revised terms and conditions 


Amount $5,000

The complainant has anxiety and was a student with the respondent university. She advised the faculty granted her an extension to submit an assignment which she sought to accommodate her disability. The complainant alleged that she was subsequently sent a discriminatory email by the subject coordinator. The complainant alleged she was awarded a fail grade for the subject after alleging the subject coordinator’s email was discriminatory. She alleged the subject coordinator’s comments made her feel uncomfortable about seeking exemptions in the future.

The university conceded that the email was not sensitive or courteous, but denied that it was discriminatory. The university advised that the complainant’s grade was awarded before the internal complaint was made and by someone unaware of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint.

The complaint was resolved. The university agreed to work with the complainant to develop a plan setting out her disability-related need for adjustments, pending provision of relevant information about her disability. The university also agreed to change the complainant’s fail grades to withdrawals without academic or financial penalty and to pay the complainant $5,000 as general damages.


Act Disability Discrimination Act
Grounds Assistance animal
Areas Access to premises
Goods, services and facilities
Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions 

Anti-discrimination/EEO policy developed 

Policy change/Change in practice 

Anti discrimination/EEO training introduced 


The complainant’s 10-year-old daughter has severe epilepsy, autism and an intellectual disability and has an assistance animal. The complainant booked a camping holiday for the family with the respondent accommodation provider. She alleged that when she tried to change her booking to book an apartment, she was told there was a ‘no pets’ policy, even if the animal was an assistance animal.

On being advised of the complaint, the accommodation provider  indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the accommodation provider write to the complainant apologising for the incident and offer the family two weeks’ free accommodation. The accommodation provider undertook to state its commitment to offering access to guests with assistance animals on its social media page. Finally, the accommodation provider agreed to offer a staff member of an organisation responsible for the training of assistance animals two nights’ free accommodation and compensation for travel costs to facilitate an inspection of its expanding services to guests with assistance animals.