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Voices of Australia: Resource sheet 2 - rightsED

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Voices of Australia - Resource sheet 2

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Character profiles

Character one: Diana

I am 45 years old and I live in Narrabundah, ACT.

I grew up in Brisbane in the 1960's and 70's, and every summer we used to go to the
Sunshine Coast or the Gold Coast.

I'm a fan of the rock band Led Zeppelin. I love turning the radio up loud and
singing the songs.

I am both Australian and Lebanese. I have the best of two great cultures. Being part
of Middle Eastern societies has taught me the value of family and respect for

Character two: Chris

I am 53 years old and I live in Northcote, Victoria.

My family moved from the Ukraine after World War II. My father's town in the Ukraine
was invaded by Russian Communists under Stalin. They were starved of food unless they
followed orders. They were not allowed to speak their native language or go to their

The German Nazi's invaded after the Russians, and they sent my father to work in

I know all the dances and songs, symbols and ceremonies from the Ukraine.

Character three: Aunty Kathy

I am 69 and I live in Darwin, Northern Territory. I am an Aboriginal Elder from the
Kungarakan People. I married a Larrakeyah man.

My mother is from the Gurinji people. She was taken away from her family as a child
and sent to the Kahlin Compound in Darwin.

Aboriginal people are generous in sharing the land. They take pride and pleasure in
teaching people, and telling stories about the land.

Character four: Adela

I am 41 years old and I live in Camp Hill, Queensland.

I was born in El Salvador and came to Australia in 1988. My family moved to Brisbane
after we escaped a civil war at home.

I was very scared when we first moved to Australia. I didn't speak any English and I
had to catch the train every day to lessons at TAFE.

The ticket man used to get very angry with me and said I should go back to my own
country. I was sad until we got a new ticket man, who was very nice.

Character five: Selina

I am 15 years old and I live in Leumeah, NSW.

My family is from Bangladesh though we lived in Malaysia before coming to

My mum likes me to wear my clothes from home. I don't like to because all my friends
are wearing tops and pants.

It is hard to be proud of my culture and religion when we are so often associated
with terrorists.

Character six: David

I am 45 years old and I live in Sydney.

My family is from Scotland, they immigrated to Australia from Scotland in 1970.

My birth father is from Kashmir, though I was adopted by my family when I was

I have always lived in Scotland or Australia, but people always ask me where I'm
from. People never believe that I'm from Scotland.

Character seven: Arama

I am 30 years old and I live in an Aboriginal Community called Titjikala near Alice
Springs, NT.

I am a New Zealand Maori, so I am bilingual. Being bicultural helps me to build
relationships in a new community.

I am a teacher and the Principal of a community school. The students speak two or
three languages before they speak English.

The women in the community have been very accepting of me, they have taken me out
for bush tucker and invited me to different ceremonies.

I love living here because it teaches you how to be different.

Character eight: Vicki

I am 50 years old and I live in Ardmona, Victoria.

My family are from Greece but I grew up in Australia. I loved growing up on a sheep
and wheat station. I also loved going to Shepparton with my Mum to do the shopping.

My mum used to catch up with her Greek friends at the cafeteria on a Friday
afternoon. They spoke in Greek and laughed a lot.

I used to speak about Greek culture at the Rotary and Lions Club, and then I became
President of the Ethnic Council, Shepparton District.

I have been a Commissioner at the Victorian Multicultural Commission.