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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice / Indigenous Social Justice

4th National Indigenous Empowerment Summit

‘Framing Indigenous empowerment with human rights: using the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for real change’

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Good Morning All 

My name is Katie Kiss. I am a proud Kaanju, Biri/Widi woman from North Queensland. I was born and raised on the lands of the Darumbal peoples in Rockhampton, in Central Queensland. 

Inaugural CASWA AGM and Statewide Gathering Conference

Working together to build capacity

Introduction and acknowledgement

Thank you, Aunty Robyn, and Tryse for Welcoming us to your beautiful Country. 

I pay my respects to the traditional owners of the Noongar Nation of the Wadjak lands on which we meet and gather today, here beside the Derbal Yirigan.  I thank your ancestors and elders for their custodianship and stewardship over the generations, and I appreciate their care for me while I am here on your country. 

AIATSIS Summit: Plenary Panel Discussion

Address by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Katie Kiss to AIATSIS Summit 2024.

Learning from crisis

Friday 7 June, 2024

Social Justice Commissioner: now more than ever, Australia must reconcile with its First Nations people

Content type: Media Release

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Katie Kiss, has marked the start of Reconciliation Week by calling on Australians to finally overcome generations of disadvantage and division when it comes to First Nations rights, and forge a path for unity. 

The Commissioner warned that systemic failures facing Indigenous communities in all sectors of society including health, racism, and youth justice, were compounded by the failed referendum last October to enshrine an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. 

Katie Kiss commences as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner

Content type: Media Release

Australia’s new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Katie Kiss, said in the wake of the devastating outcome of last year’s Voice referendum, Australia must consider the next steps, and prioritise finding ways to heal and soothe divisions. This includes making meaningful progress in addressing the systemic and structural discrimination experienced by First Nations communities.

Commissioner June Oscar welcomes Institute funding

Content type: Media Release

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar welcomed the Commonwealth’s funding of the new Wiyi Yani U Thangani Institute for First Nations Gender Justice at the Australian National University.

The Institute is the first of its kind in the world and will bring together First Nations researchers to develop and design initiatives to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Report launched today


Content type: Media Release

Australian Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs and Deputy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Robynne Quiggin today launch the Social Justice and Native Title Report 2016.

The document is a state-of-the-nation report on the social justice and native title issues affecting Indigenous Australians in 2016.

Commission welcomes new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner

Content type: Media Release

The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the appointment of Katie Kiss as the new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner.

Ms Kiss is a proud Kaanju and Birri/Widi woman who grew up in Rockhampton, Central Queensland on the lands of the Darumbal People. She is currently the Executive Director of the Interim Truth and Treaty Body supporting Queensland’s Path to Treaty.

AHRC welcomes announcement of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner

Content type: Media Release

The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement today that a new position will be created for a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner. 

Advocates and peak bodies representing Australia’s First Nations children have long sought a National Commissioner to promote the rights, interests and wellbeing of First Nations children and young people.