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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice / Indigenous Social Justice

Commission evidence to FASD Inquiry

The Australian Human Rights Commission is calling for the Australian Government to adopt community led responses informed by targeted investment in research, education, training, diagnosis and treatment to combat Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

The Commission yesterday gave evidence before the Senate Community Affairs References Committee's Inquiry into the effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

NILAC: National Indigenous Legal Advocacy Courses

Aboriginal flag flying in city
The NILAC courses were transferred to Tranby - the National Indigenous Adult Education and Training Centre. Contact Tranby for more information on these courses.

Learning from crisis

Six weeks ago I returned to my traditional homeland near Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia. Thanks to modern technology, I am working remotely and continuing my duties as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner.

Like many Aboriginal people, I chose to return to Country because COVID-19 travel restrictions made homeland communities the safest place to see out the pandemic. As a mature Aboriginal woman, I am statistically at greater risk from COVID-19. It was important to follow the advice of health experts.

Time for action

By Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Social Justice Commissioner, June Oscar.

On the ancient lands of the Anangu, dust settled and ink dried on a document that marked an extraordinary moment in Australia’s history. 

From all points of the southern sky, we gathered in the centre of the country we’ve called home for more than 60 thousand years, to endorse a statement that would pave the way for First Nations peoples to have a voice enshrined in the Constitution. 

Turning the Uluru Statement into action

On the ancient lands of the Anangu, dust settled and ink dried on a document that marked an extraordinary moment in Australia’s history. 

From all points of the southern sky, we gathered in the centre of the country we’ve called home for more than 60 thousand years, to endorse a statement that would pave the way for First Nations peoples to have a voice enshrined in the Constitution. 

COVID-19's unexpected lessons

Six weeks ago I returned to my traditional homeland near Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia.

Thanks to modern technology, I am working remotely and continuing my duties as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner.

Like many Aboriginal people, I chose to return to country because COVID-19 travel restrictions made homeland communities the safest place to see out the pandemic. As a mature Aboriginal woman, I am statistically at greater risk from COVID-19. It was important to follow the advice of health experts.

We say: No more preventable deaths

Content type: Media Release

The Close the Gap Campaign has warned that only systemic reform will make up for the harrowing failure of the last 12 years of government policy on closing the gaps in health equity, social and economic disadvantage for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Close the Gap (2020)


Failure to close the gap puts Indigenous communities at increased risk

Content type: Media Release

The Close the Gap Campaign is cancelling its public events to mark Close the Gap Day on Thursday 19 March 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to endure higher levels of illness and higher levels of comorbidity. We have three times the rate of preventable admissions to hospital, overcrowded housing and a lack of access to basic health services in many areas. 

Children’s Commissioner to Launch Final Report

Content type: Media Release

Australia’s first Children’s Commissioner, Megan Mitchell will on Monday launch her final report – one of the most comprehensive assessments of children’s rights ever produced in Australia. 

The report makes clear that the mental health of Australian children is not being cared for sufficiently and that Governments must do more to ensure children’s wellbeing.