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National poll to give voice to Australian children

Content type: Media Release

National Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell is calling on Australia’s youngest citizens to have their voices heard in the 2018 Children’s Rights Poll.

The Poll was developed by the University of Melbourne and ABC’s Behind the News program, in consultation with the Australian Human Rights Commission and young Australians. 

“The results of the 2018 Children’s Rights Poll will provide an invaluable insight into what Australia must do to ensure the rights of all children are being upheld,” Commissioner Mitchell said.

Commissioners and Guardians Communiqué 15-16 May 2018



Commissioner welcomes Government response to Royal Commission

Content type: Media Release

National Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment to a national apology to survivors of abuse, and the creation of a national office for child safety.

The Government has today accepted or accepted in principle 104 of 122 recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, with 18 recommendations still being considered.

Reporting to the United Nations on Children's Rights

teacher showing globe to class

In September 2019, Australia appeared before the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. This UN Committee monitors Australia’s progress in fulfilling its obligations under:

Reappointment of National Children’s Commissioner

Content type: Media Release

The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the reappointment of National Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell.

Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, said Commissioner Mitchell would continue strengthening protections for children’s rights in Australia.

“This is a marvellous opportunity for Megan to consolidate five years of significant contributions as Australia’s first National Children’s Commissioner and set a forward agenda for children’s rights in Australia,” President Croucher said.

What does the Children's Rights Report 2017 say?


Children’s Rights Report 2017


We must act on lessons of Royal Commission

Content type: Media Release

The Australian Human Rights Commission acknowledges the survivors, witnesses and families who contributed to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and calls on all Australian governments to implement its final recommendations.

Wiyi Yani U Thangani Women’s Voices ‘Securing Our Rights, Securing Our Future’

Content type: Media Release

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO will today launch the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) project.

The project will be led by the Australian Human Rights Commission in partnership with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Commissioner Oscar will be joined by the Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion at today’s launch.