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Part 1 of 4 - Your Details (Your complaint)
The Commission requires you to provide your name and address in order to accept your complaint. Without these details, we will be unable to effectively assess, investigate or conciliate your complaint. The other fields are optional and you may choose whether or not to provide this information.
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Do you require assistance to participate in the complaint process?
Are you making this complaint on behalf of someone else (the aggrieved person)?
Do you have a legal representative or advocate?
Part 2 of 4 - Who is the complaint about?
Who is the complaint about?
(eg employer, landlord, provider of good and services)
(eg employer, landlord, provider of good and services)
Do you want to add another respondent?
(eg employer, landlord, provider of good and services)
(eg employer, landlord, provider of good and services)
Please provide as much information as possible about the organisation or person who your complaint is about. It is not necessary to complete all of these fields, but if it is not possible for us to identify who you are complaining about, we may not be able to process your complaint.
Part 3 of 4 - What are you complaining about?
I believe
There are limits on the types of complaints the Commission can consider. The Commission can only consider complaints about unfair treatment related to the reasons listed above.
The President of the Commission can decide not to investigate a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination where the complaint has been lodged more than twenty four (24) months after the alleged event(s) happened. If the event(s) being complained about happened more than twenty four months ago, please explain the reasons for the delay in making a complaint to the Commission.

For complaints alleging human rights breaches and discrimination in employment under the ILO Convention, the relevant time frame is twelve (12) months.
Describe the event(s) that you want to complain about. We need to know what you say happened, where it happened and who was involved. Please give us all the dates and other details you can remember. If you are complaining about employment, please tell us when you commenced employment, your job title and whether you are still employed.


Supporting Information

If you would like the Commission to consider any further relevant information, please list out the documents you have that you believe support the claims in your complaint. If the Commission wants you to provide this information, we will ask you for it. 

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, jpg.
Part 4 of 4 - Other information
Have you complained about this to another organisation?
For example, a state anti discrimination or equal opportunity agency, a workers compensation agency, an ombudsman or the Fair Work Commission. If you have complained to another agency, you must provide details of the complaint and its outcome. You should also attach copies of any letters you have received from the agency.
Were you referred to us by another organisation?

ICS Privacy Collection Notice

The Australian Human Rights Commission (Commission) collects and handles personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Archives Act 1983 (Cth) and our Privacy Policy.

By completing this online form and providing us with your personal information and sensitive information as part of the Commission’s complaints process under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) (AHRC Act), you consent to us collecting your personal information and sensitive information and using it for the purposes set out below.

We collect personal information about complainants, respondents and third parties in the course of receiving and handling complaints made under the AHRC Act. Personal information about an individual may be collected by the Commission from a complainant, respondent or third party and may be received in various ways, including through our online complaint form, responses to complaints, by email, by letter or by phone.  

We will use the personal information provided to us for the purposes of administering our functions under the AHRC Act, including to assess, investigate and conciliate a complaint, analyse trends, prepare statistical data and report on complaints received by the Commission and maintain the Commission’s conciliation register.  

If we accept a complaint, we will usually provide a copy (excluding the complainant’s contact details) to the person or organisation being complained about. Where necessary, we may also provide a copy to others who are related to, or are named in, the complaint. We may also share other information provided by a complainant, respondent or third party with other parties to the complaint and any third party who may be relevant to the complaint for the purposes of handling the complaint.  

To properly handle a complaint, it may be necessary for us to disclose personal information we collect as part of our complaints function to an overseas recipient. For example, where:  

  • a party to a complaint is based overseas
  • an Australian-based respondent is the related body corporate to an overseas company
  • you have complained to an overseas entity and the Commission about the same or a related matter.  

If we receive the personal information of third parties who are not a party to a complaint, we will also collect this information. We may not inform those third parties that their information has been collected and will only use their personal information to the extent necessary to perform our functions under the AHRC Act.  

Information provided in making, responding to, or providing a contribution related to a complaint, including information about parties and allegations made in a complaint, may be used for statistical or research purposes, as case studies, as examples, and to improve our service delivery. This includes any survey responses related to the complaints process. Any published information, case study or example will not include names or information that may identify an individual.  

Our Privacy Policy sets out how you can make a complaint about how we have handled your information and how we will deal with your complaint.