The Commission understands that story submissions may bring up difficult topics such as abuse, illness and death.
If you believe yourself or someone you know is in immediate danger, call Police on 000.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, and you are unsure which service to contact, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Lifeline is available anywhere in Australia 24 hours a day (toll free) and provides generalist crisis counselling, information and referral services.
Support services
- Beyond Blue or call 1300 22 4636
- MensLine Australia or call 1300 78 99 78
- 1800Respect or call 1800 737 732
- BraveHearts Support Line or call 1800 272 831
- BlueKnot Helpline Disability Services or call 1800 421 468
- QLife or call1800 184 527
- 13 YARN or call 13 92 76
- Headspace or call 1800 650 890
- Kids Helpline or call 1800 551 800

The Australian Human Rights Commission is examining the human rights impacts of Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a chance for you to tell your story about what happened to you.
The project seeks to understand how people were personally impacted by COVID-19 response measures and what gaps existed in the country’s pandemic response.
This will support the development of a human rights emergency and disaster framework to improve responses to future emergencies and disasters in Australia.
To inform this project, the Commission is seeking input from individuals through written story submissions.
The project’s findings will be presented in an interim report that will be published on the Australian Human Rights Commission website.
Your Stories
The Commission is calling for stories from people who were impacted by the national, state and community responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This process is intended to capture varied perspectives from people across diverse Australian communities. The Commission seeks to understand the impacts of pandemic responses on aspects of daily life such as health, family and employment.
We ask that your story describes how you were personally impacted during the pandemic. Stories can relate to any aspect of the country’s COVID-19 pandemic response such as lock downs, border closures, quarantine requirements, social distancing or school closures.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a profound event and affected people to different extents and in different ways. The impacts of the pandemic are still ongoing for many Australians.
While there have been a number of inquiries into different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic response, this is a chance for you to tell your story about what happened to you.
The project will use public story submissions, together with additional stakeholder and agency engagement, to embed human rights considerations into future pandemic response planning in Australia.
This project will inform the Commission’s advocacy for the human rights of all Australians to be considered in planning for future emergency and disaster responses.