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The complainant identifies as a transgender man. He alleged that when he attended a branch of the respondent bank, a staff member disclosed to a colleague that he was transgender and the two proceeded to stare at him. He further alleged that when he attended another branch of the bank, several staff members were discussing his gender identity and one proceeded to ask him intrusive questions about the transition process in front of other staff. The complainant advised he developed post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the incidents.

On being advised of the complaint, the bank indicated a willingness to try to resolve the matter by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the bank pay the complainant $32,240, offer him up to 12 telephone counselling sessions through its customer support service, grant him access to its customer financial assistance program and waive all fees associated with the discharge of his home loan with the bank. The bank undertook to require staff in branches within the complainant’s region to re-complete the bank’s existing mandatory workplace conduct eLearning module. The bank also agreed to consider any feedback the complainant may wish to provide on its discrimination policies and training.


Discrimination type
Sex Discrimination Act

Gender identity

Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions 

Anti-discrimination/EEO training reviewed/revised
