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The complainant is paraplegic and uses a wheelchair. He alleged that the respondent council built a bridge that is not compliant with the relevant disability standard. He claimed pedestrians using wheelchairs were required to cross to roads, whereas pedestrians not using mobility aids were not required to do so.

The council claimed the disability standard did not apply to the bridge, but that the bridge would have been compliant. The council claimed the bridge was accessible and safe for pedestrians using wheelchairs. 

The complaint was resolved. The council agreed to meet with the complainant at the bridge to explore potential remedial work to improve safety for all pedestrians at the road crossings. The council also made changes to its accessibility planning mechanisms for future construction/capital works. The complainant agreed to make himself available to offer his accessibility expertise to council free of charge if required. 


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act

Unlawful to contravene Disability Standards

Access to premises Disability Standards Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Adjustments provided  

Apology - Private  

Policy change/Change in practice (internal staff)  
