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The complainant has asthma and psychosocial disability, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), related to trauma. She has an assistance dog. The complainant’s general practitioner referred her to the respondent health clinic for a consultation with the respondent doctor. The clinic’s receptionist contacted her to confirm that she would be undergoing certain medical procedures prior to the consultation. The complainant claimed that the thought of the intrusive medical procedures caused her anxiety and stress and she told the receptionist of her worry that it would trigger her PTSD.

The complainant also wrote to the doctor requesting information about what was going to happen at the appointment so that she could make adequate preparations (for example, whether to request sedation and what to do with her assistance dog during the appointment), asking the doctor if she could deliver trauma-informed care; and asking how she would approach further communications to alleviate her anxiety. 

The clinic’s practice manager wrote to the complainant to advise the doctor’s view that, having considered her clinical record and communications, she could not provide trauma informed healthcare and suggested she engage with a public healthcare provider instead.

The respondents advised they did not refuse a service. Rather they honestly answered the complainant's questions about whether or not the doctor had training in trauma informed care with a particular training organisation, which she had not. The respondents said it was their understanding that the complainant did not wish to proceed with the appointment.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the respondents pay the complainant $5,000 ex gratia. The doctor agreed to undertake training in trauma informed care and then make an assessment as to what training may be required for other staff at the practice. The clinic undertook to review its policies and procedures in light of the issues raised in the complaint.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act


Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions 
