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The complainant has schizophrenia and a back injury and was employed in an IT role with the respondent government agency. He alleged he was treated less favourably because he has schizophrenia, including by being excluded from the workplace, being given excessive work to perform at home, having his personal property tampered with and being referred to as ‘weird’. He also alleged the agency failed to accommodate his back injury, including not allowing him to sit during standing meetings, not letting him work part-time and failing to provide easier access to bathroom facilities.

The agency claimed it made reasonable adjustments to accommodate the complainant’s back injury in line with his treating doctor’s recommendations. The agency said it only became aware the complainant has schizophrenia when he undertook a fitness for duty assessment after commencing leave due to ill health. The complainant subsequently resigned.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the agency write to the complainant expressing regret for the distress he reported, provide him with a statement of service and pay him $2,000 in compensation for non-economic loss.



Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act



Outcome details


Statement of service

Statement of regret
