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2. Which people have been granted TPVs?

TPVs were (re)introduced by the Australian Government on 18 October 2013 through a regulation.[3] However, on 2 December 2013 the TPV regulation was disallowed by the Senate, with the consequence that no more TPVs can be granted.

While the regulation was in force, between 18 October and 2 December 2013 at least three TPVs were granted to asylum seekers who arrived in Australia without a visa and were found to be owed protection.[4] TPVs which were granted prior to the disallowance of the regulation on 2 December 2013 remain valid.

[3] Migration Amendment (Temporary Protection Visas) Regulation 2013 (Cth).

[4] Evidence to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Estimates), Canberra, 19 November 2013, (Ms Alison Larkins, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Immigration and Border Protection). At;query=Id%3A%22committees%2Festimate%2F70373bf4-1745-474d-be50-7e04b2a90004%2F0000%22 (viewed 12 December 2013).