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3 Key national priorities, initiatives and commitments

  1. The Commission is an ‘A status’ national human rights institution established and operating in full compliance with the Paris Principles. The sufficiency of funding and staffing for the Commission was called into question during Australia’s UPR. ACHRA encourages the Australian Government, through the regular federal budget process, to ensure the Commission continues to operate as an effective ‘A status’ national human rights institution. ACHRA reiterates its note that the Commission’s functions could be enhanced, through legislative amendment, to provide a clearer focus on individual liberties, fundamental freedoms and human rights reflected in the common law.
  2. As Australia approaches its second cycle review, ACHRA commends the Australian Government for conducting a consultation process with civil society through the NGO Forum. ACHRA encourages the government to continue consultation and engagement with civil society during the drafting of the Australian Government report to the Human Rights Council UPR.