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6. Additional information and resources

2010 Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers

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6. Additional information and resources


6.1 Where can I find additional employment related information and resources?


Addressing Employer Concerns, Tasmanian Regional Disability Liaison Officer Initiative

A fact sheet that identifies employer issues related to disability and provides statistics and facts to address these issues.

beyondblue Fact Sheets

beyondblue provides accurate, up to date, easy to read fact sheets on depression, anxiety and related disorders. Factsheets relevant to employment include:

Online access

Choosing Your Path. Disclosure: It's A Personal Decision (2003), Regional Disability Liaison Officer Initiative

This resource provides information about disclosure of disability in education and employment, including information about rights, roles and responsibilities of managers when a person discloses a disability in employment.

Online access:

Information for Employers, Good Practice, Good Business: Eliminating Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace, Human Rights Commission

This resource provides practical information such as best practice guidelines, policies and responsibilities and directory of contacts and resources to assist you in the employment of people with disabilities.

Online access:

Interactions – A Guide to Assisting a Person with a Disability: NSW Co-Operative website

This resource has been developed to assist managers and workers interact more effectively with people with disabilities. It is relevant to all employment environments.

Online access:

Managers’ Guide: Disability in the Workplace, Australia, The Australian Employers Network on Disability,

This resource provides comprehensive information for managers on the employment of people with disabilities such as recruitment processes, OHS, disclosure of disability and employee performance and development. The Managers’ Guide can be purchased and ordered from The Australian Employers Network on Disability website.

Online access:

SANE Factsheets

The factsheets provide up-to-date, easy-to-read explanations of a range of mental health problems and related issues, including employment. SANE also provides podcasts that complement the factsheets, providing comprehensive interviews on a growing range of topics to hear on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.

Online access:

The Mental Health First Aid Program

The Mental Health First Aid Program was developed to assist people provide initial support for someone with a mental health problem. This is a 12-hour course developed in 2000 by Betty Kitchener and Professor Tony Jorm, which aims to improve mental health literacy in the Australian community. Mental Health First Aid courses are conducted in every state and territory of Australia.

Online access:


Disability Information for Employers: Australian Business Limited

Australian Business Limited provides news, articles, legislation updates and case studies related to the employment of people with disabilities. Please note that some services are limited to members.


Fair Work Ombudsman

The Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman is the statutory agency responsible for promoting compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009. They undertake proactive and reactive enforcement activities, including investigating complaints received by current and former employees against their employers. They also provide advice to the public through the Fair Work Infoline. From 1 July 2009, the FWO is now able to investigate matters relating to discrimination in the workplace.


JobAccess: Help and workplace solutions for the employment of people with disability

JobAccess is an information and advice service that offers help and workplace solutions for people with disability and their employers/managers. It includes a comprehensive website and free telephone information and advice service which provides confidential, expert advice on the employment of people with disability.

It also has a database of suggestions for reasonable adjustments on its Workplace Adjustment Tool (


The Australian Human Rights Commission

The Australian Human Rights Commission leads the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia by providing education and public awareness, discrimination and human rights complaints, human rights compliance and policy and legislative development. The website provides extensive information and resources about the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, with specific reference to employment and people with disability and relevant information for managers.


Employment-specific information:

6.2 Where can I find additional information and resources about mental illness?


Black Dog Institute:

The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder. The website provides information about depression and bipolar disorder, including fact sheets and online training. (Note: face-to-face services are only available in NSW).


Blue Pages: Depression Information:

Produced by the Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) at the Australian National University (ANU), this website provides information and resources about depression and its symptoms, treatments and preventative measures.



This website provides online mental health industry information, advice and support services. Monitored by professional support staff, live chat rooms and message boards provide immediate support to individuals who are living with mental illness and their families and friends. Referral information about local community services for face-to-face support is also available through the website.


Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia:

A man with a name tag 'Hello my name is depression' written on itThis is a not-for-profit, self-help, support and advocacy organisation of people with serious mental illness, including schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders.


Multicultural Mental Health Australia (MMHA):

MMHA actively promotes the mental health and wellbeing of Australia's diverse communities through a series of campaigns, projects and information fact sheets.


Suicide Prevention Australia:

Suicide Prevention Australia is a non-profit, non-government organisation working as a public health advocate in suicide prevention. It promotes community awareness and advocacy, access to information, conferences and events.

