Social Justice Report 2010
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This page was first created in December, 2012

Social Justice Report 2010
- Introduction and Recommendations
- Chapter 1: Towards a reconciled Australia: An agenda of hope
- Chapter 2: Constitutional reform: Creating a nation for all of us
- Chapter 3: From community crisis to community control in the Fitzroy Valley
- Appendix 1: Acknowledgments
- Appendix 2: Recommendations from the Social Justice Report 2009
- Appendix 3: Chronology of events relating to the administration of Indigenous affairs, 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010
- Appendix 4: Elements of a common understanding of free, prior and informed consent
- Appendix 5: Overview of the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery
- About the report & Credits
Also see
Transmittal Letter
14 January 2011
The Hon Robert McClelland MP
Parliament House
Dear Attorney
Social Justice Report 2010
I am pleased to present to you the Social Justice Report 2010 (the Report), which I
have prepared in accordance with section 46C(1)(a) of the Australian Human Rights
Commission Act 1986 (Cth) (AHRC Act).
The AHRC Act provides that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social
Justice Commissioner is to submit a report regarding the enjoyment and exercise
of human rights by Aboriginal persons and Torres Strait Islanders, and including
recommendations as to the action that should be taken to ensure the exercise and
enjoyment of human rights by those persons.
The Report is focused on three main topics. First, I outline the priorities and issues that
I will focus on during my term as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice
Commissioner (Chapter 1). In particular, I focus on how the United Nations Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will provide a framework for pursuing these key
priorities which are centred on building stronger and deeper relationships.
Second, I explore the significance of constitutional reforms in achieving a reconciled
Australia (Chapter 2).
Third, the Report also includes a case study of the recent community-led
developments in the Fitzroy Valley (Chapter 3). This Chapter argues that community-led
development projects ensure the best outcomes for addressing concerns in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Finally, Appendix 3 provides a chronology of events for 2009–2010.
The Social Justice Report 2010 provides 15 recommendations for your consideration.
I look forward to discussing the Report with you.
Yours sincerely
Mick Gooda
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Social Justice Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 8, Piccadilly Tower, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2001
GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW 1042
Telephone: 02 9284 9600 Facsimile: 02 9284 9611