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Annual Report 1999-2000: OH&S

to 1999 - 2000 Annual Report Contents

Annual Report 1999 - 2000

Occupational health and safety

The Occupational
Health and Safety (OH&S) Committee met at least four times during the
year. The Committee includes a staff health and safety representative
and at least four corporate support staff. The Committee surveyed staff
on their awareness of OH&S issues and as a result was then able to hold
relevant training sessions on specific OH&S issues for staff and supervisors.
The Committee looked at reviewing the OH&S Plan and this will be finalised
in the new year. There have been no accidents or dangerous occurrences

The Commission continues
to provide free and confidential counselling for staff and their families
through its Employee Assistance Program. Ongoing assistance and support
on OH&S and ergonomic issues is provided to new and existing staff.

updated 1 December 2001.