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Appendix 3 – List of public submissions

A total of 239 submissions were received by the Inquiry. Of these:

  • 105 were public submissions;
  • 69 were public submissions with name withheld; and
  • 65 were confidential and were not published.

The following are all public submissions received by the Inquiry. These submissions have been made available on the Commission website.

Submission Submission No.
11 year old detained in Nauru OPC 64
12 year old detained in Nauru OPC 142
15 year old detained in Nauru OPC 148
15 year old detained in Nauru OPC 193
16 year old detained in Nauru OPC 91
17 year old asylum seeker 20
17 year old detained in Nauru OPC 97
Adult detained on Christmas Island 234
Adult detained on Christmas Island 237
Adult living in immigration detention 72
Amnesty International 157
Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors 165
Association for the Wellbeing of Children in Healthcare 188
Asylum Seeker (Same author as Sub 21A and 21B) 15
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre 104
Australian Children’s Commissioners and Guardians 204
Australian Anthropological Society 85
Australian Association of Social Workers 90
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 159
Australian College of Children and Young People’s Nurses 187
Australian College of Nursing and Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurses Australia 136
Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce 189
Australian Education Union 49
Australian Federation of Graduate Women 229
Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association 47
Australian Medical Students’ Association 166
Australian Psychological Society 208
Baptist Care Australia 57
Barnardos Australia 160
Boevink, Karen 16
Boy currently in immigration detention 215
Briskman, Linda 205
Castan Centre for Human Rights Law 32
Catholic Social Services Australia 126
Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University 200
Child Wise 155
Child detained in Nauru 228
Child detained in Nauru OPC 59
Child detained in Nauru OPC 60
Child detained in Nauru OPC 61
Child detained in Nauru OPC 62
Child detained in Nauru OPC 63
Child detained in Nauru OPC 96
Child detained in Nauru OPC 98
Child detained in Nauru OPC 132
Child detained in Nauru OPC 144
Child detained in Nauru OPC 149
Child detained in Nauru OPC 150
Child detained in Nauru OPC 151
Child detained in Nauru OPC 191
Child detained in Nauru OPC 192
Child detained in Nauru OPC 194
Child detained in Nauru OPC 195
Child protection and support worker in Nauru 134
Child who lived in immigration detention previously 42
Child who lived in immigration detention previously 184
ChilOut 168
Children’s Hospital at Westmead Refugee Clinic 1
Christmas Island and Darwin Volunteer 2010 114
Cheema, Zainib 58
Coffey, Guy 213
Cole, Catherine 118
Commissioner for Children and Young People WA 65
Connor, Madeleine 17
Creative arts therapist 199
Crock, Mary (Prof) 219
Darwin Asylum Seeker Support and Advocacy Network 222
Dempsey, Yvette 196
Department of Immigration and Border Protection 45
Due, Clemence (Dr) 101
Early Childhood Australia 198
Employees of Save the Children Australia in Nauru 183
ESL Education 3
Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria 52
Father detained with baby in Nauru OPC 224
Father detained with children on Christmas Island 233
Father detained with children on Christmas Island 236
Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia 154
Former child in immigration detention 34
Former professional working in immigration detention 8
Former professional working in immigration detention 28
Former professional working in Nauru OPC 67
Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma 210
Fourer, Margarita and McConaghy, Ric 163
Gage, Scott 138
Glossop, Patricia and Mollison, Martha 181
Goddard, Chris (Prof) 201
Good Beginnings Australia 172
Goodstart Early Learning 117
Gouldthorpe, Leonor 6
Griffin, SJ 185
Hamonet, Nicholas 131
Health Professional 10
Humanitarian Research Partners 239
Human Rights Committee of Law Society of NSW 174
Human Rights Council of Australia 116
Hughes, Stephen Thomas 29
Hush, Julia (Dr) 137
Immigrant to Australia 128
International Detention Coalition 164
Jago, Jeff 54
Jesuit Social Services, Wesley Mission, CatholicCare Melbourne, MacKillop Family Services 140
Keay, Lindsay 125
Kingsley, Martin 161
Kennedy, Kathryn 122
Kensley, Samantha 66
Kettle, Daniel 135
Kommonground Inc, Pledger, Jenna 190
Kotzman, Anne 4
Law Council of Australia 46
Life Without Barriers 167
Lynch, Lesley (Dr), NSW Council for Civil Liberties 139
Macpherson, Ashley 176
Maguire, Amy 178
McGifford, Russell 127
Medical student 171
Micallef, Natalie 180
Mother with child detained in Nauru OPC 221
Mother detained with child on Christmas Island 235
Mother detained with son on Christmas Island 226
Murphy, Robyn Lynette 123
Nanda, Varun 182
National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect 153
Occupational Justice Special Interest Group 74
Parent detained with child on Christmas Island 227
Parker, Erica 44
Perkins, Di 197
Person detained on Christmas Island 225
Plan International Australia 158
Professional working in immigration detention 84
Professional working in immigration detention 209
Professional working in immigration detention 232
Primary teacher in Nauru 40
Psychologists for Humane Asylum Seeker Treatment 119
Queensland Law Society 206
Quonoey, Sheila 39
Ransome, Glen 179
Refugee Action Network 186
Refugee Advice and Casework Service 217
Refugee Council of Australia 169
Rezaee, Besmellah and Brizar, Marina 177
Rice AM, Adele 56
Royal Australasian College of Physicians 103
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 48
Royal Children’s Hospital 162
Sainsbury, Peter 7
Saul, Ben (Prof) 33
Save the Children Australia 216
School teacher 71
Secondary school teacher 100
Short, Jacki 53
Social Service Provider 24
St Vincent de Paul National Council 152
Sweet, Melissa, Croakey Blog 121
Teacher at ESL school for new arrivals 19
Teacher in Nauru 156
Terry, John William 41
Tobin, John (Prof) 238
Uniting Justice Australia 212
Unaccompanied child asylum seeker 21(A)
Unaccompanied child asylum seeker (Same author as Sub 21A) 21(B)
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 92
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 93
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 94
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 141
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 143
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 145
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 146
Unaccompanied child detained in Nauru OPC 147
University of New South Wales 207
Van Oostende, Corina 102
Voice of Tamils Inc 99
Wismer, Esther Parijat 5
Zwi, Karen 9