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Supporting young children's rights
Children's Rights

Supporting young children's rights

Statement of intent (2015–2018) between Early Childhood Australia (ECA), its members and the National Children’s Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Making Australia More Child Friendly
Children's Rights

Making Australia More Child Friendly

In 2012, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, which monitors how Australia meets its obligations to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, issued its Concluding Observations on Australia’s progress. During 2014, the National Children's Commissioner worked with UNICEF...
picture of homeless youth
Children's Rights

Our Homeless Children

Report of the National Inquiry into Youth Homelessness In 1987, after consulting with a wide range of individuals and organisations attempting to assist homeless children, analysing current policy directions and surveying the available literature, the Commission decided that there was a clear need...