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Comment: specific to Remote areas

Disability Rights Unit - HREOC.

Comment is made specific to Remote areas and, in some things, specific to indigenous

Defining 'remote' as those regions where the nearest Capital city is a thousands
plus kilometre away … and / or, where the largest population centres have
only thousands of occupants and are hundreds of kilometres away.


These comments apply to individuals who have a disability and to people who
should be providing a service or supports, including family, carers and service

" No Public Transport

" No transport

" Lack of personal funds to purchase a vehicle

" Lack of funds to apply appropriate modification

" Lack of funds to fuel, repair and maintain a vehicle

" Lack of appropriate licensing facilities (Driver's Licence)

" Cost of insurances etc


" Consistent segregated experiences in early life deprive individuals of
opportunity to engage in general or typical school, community and social role
modelling and learning.

" The typical environment may be a poor modelling opportunity for individuals
(communities of mass un-employment, alcoholism, different moral and social standards
which are not acceptable to the wider general community)

" Individuals subject to physical, emotional, sexual and social abuse.


" Only one agency in the region with enough funding to provide supports
and they are system driven (not flexible or individually focused, will not provide
within the environment of what is seen as another organisation or departments

" No ability to employ their own supports - funded by some external mechanism
/ lack of personal money to pay for support.

" Agency personnel do not have expertise in providing support appropriate
to a learning or educational environment … no willingness to provide training
… no willingness to accept PD supplied by another body.


" Consistent segregation and integration (part time segregation) contribute
to a lack of opportunities to access School Based VET and work experience programs
as well as the fundamentals of education and social interactions.

" Only one High School in the region which is (mostly) accessible / all
others are two story with no lifts or ramps (many examples of inaccessibility
… this is just one)

" Consistent under-education of people who have a disability in K-12 and
Post Compulsory Education and Training and VET opportunities.

" Poor efforts in adapting the learning environments to accommodate learning
needs / physical access / racial and cultural matters and disability.

" Poor efforts in ensuring that the multi-layer disability / disadvantage
(ie: the individual has a disability, lives in an isolated community in a remote
area, is from a non-white culture, is female etc) are addressed.

" Lack of Disability Liaison Officers or similar, lack of equipment and
resources, lack of access to the disability support funding.

" Organisation does not even have a Disability Service / Action Plan …
only one reference to equity and access in the Strategic Plan … no EEO
or Access & Equity Committee … no policy or guidelines nor procedural
documentation to guide staff.

o The previous two points clearly mean that there is inadequate information
on reasonable accommodation etc happening.

" Dearth of adequately trained and prepared teachers and lecturers in remote
areas, and the inability to attract and retain qualified staff.

The above statement is true of all professionals ie: health, personal support
personnel / attendant care, disability service personnel / interpreters, mental
health and counselling services etc.


" Poor infrastructure. Lack of power, water, appropriate buildings etc

" Poor accessibility of buildings including signs, paving and pathways

" Poor accessibility in the community (ie: sand, dirt, rock paths) for


" Region has high skill requirements in resource industry .. consistently
used as a way to screen out individuals with a disability - no willingness to
adjust or create roles suitable (ie; a Person Friday to undertake the shredding
filing etc in office)

" Lack of flexibility in hours and shift work.

o 12 hour working day with a shift pattern of 2 weeks on (ie: 14 days of work)
1 week off (7 days not working).

" Workforce has a high 'safety' requirement - used a reason to screen out
individuals who have a disability … perception of high risk. (Occ Health
& Safety requirements used as the excuse)

" Hospitality and Tourism industry is 2nd largest employer group .. will
not accept individuals who have a disability because they don't "look or
act right" (direct quote from an employer).

" Ongoing push for higher and higher 'productivity'

" High level of un-employed amongst the family of resource industry workers
= huge competition for jobs in the community.

" No employment opportunities at all in communities.

" One community has a large tourism outlet / members of other tribes may
not work there nor provide artefacts for sale.

" Hugely complex industrial relations system, no personnel in the region
who have the role of supporting or advocating for individuals (even the Disability
Employment Agency will not help if family can not understand the terms, conditions
and entitlements of employment) … State Government IR system has failed
miserably in its half hearted attempts to bring reasonable standards in employment
and fair treatment of workers about in the region (not a good move politically
to upset the corporations I guess - nor the local political cronies who have
a grip on all the locally owned support businesses).

" Employers view workplace modifications as an imposition on their time
/ productivity / workplace / bottom line.

" Many employment agencies, private ones will not attempt to place people,
government funded ones try to get registration and refer jobs however that is
frequently inappropriate attempted placement and is also not backed with support
and training.

" The region has two DEA's, one of which is acting more as a labour hire
company with the manager's family doing the work not the job seekers.


" Employers view the process and extra paperwork as burdensome.

" Individual work contracts are seen as easier by employers / little ability
for individuals to be fairly represented.


" Very very high cost of living in the region (Centrelink's remote area
allowance inadequate)

" EVERY aspect of life is expensive and limited in choices.

o Limited choice in accommodation (either must live with family in a company
house or private house … not many public housing places here)

o No choice of providers for shopping (ie: one general store, one fuel outlet

o High cost of medical access (lack of Bulk-billing, high cost of pharmaceuticals,
high cost of continence aids etc etc etc.

o Only one real choice of RTO (private trainers are all subcontracted to the
major resource companies who will not employ from the target group .. or local
people in general)

" Inadequacy of the DSP, Remote Area Allowance, Education Entry Payment,
Employment Entry Payment (also paid inappropriately) for this region.

" People fearful of losing their extra benefits (ie: Health Card) due to
costs … not wishing to enter the workforce / or work more than 8 hours
(while they are not enough, people rely on them to get by).

All the legislation and programs are good however, there is NO REAL MECHANISM
of checking that they are being complied with. One organisation just managed
to be refunded even though their AQTF was deficient in various aspects, including

Symptomatic of this entire series of dot point comments if written into an
example might allude to a place where hypothetically there is only one person
working in a .5 FTE position with a disability focus in the entire Post Compulsory
Education sector within a region which is larger than the state of Victoria,
and, that person has no ability to do more than inform and suggest.

If one were to have such an example; I would think that any reasonable person
might question the motives, interest, willingness etc of everyone from the Ministers
and Departments, to the organisations individually and collectively charged
with providing the 'services', to the individuals who are actually supposedly
entitled to a non-discriminatory 'go' at education … what is going on?