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Complementary protection: meeting Australia's obligations to people fleeing danger

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Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

Seminar Series

Complementary protection: meeting Australia's obligations to people fleeing danger (Monday 03 November 2008 12-3pm)

The Australian Human Rights Commission presented the third of its seminar series celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), entitled Complementary protection: meeting Australia’s obligations to people fleeing danger.

The seminar featured two speakers with expertise on the protection of asylum seekers fleeing danger:

  • Dr Jane McAdam is a Senior Lecturer in the Law Faculty at UNSW. Jane is author of Complementary Protection in International Refugee Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007) and is an international expert on legal frameworks for protecting people from being sent back to countries where they face danger. She discussed how other countries have created systems of complementary protection, and how these models can help us create a better system of protection in Australia.

  • Phil Glendenning is the Director of the Edmund Rice Centre in Sydney. The Edmund Rice Centre has produced several research reports on the fate of asylum seekers who have been deported by Australia after their claims for refugee status have been rejected. Phil also co-produced the recent documentary A Well Founded Fear. He spoke about the need for a complementary system of protection for those asylum seekers who have been rejected under Australia’s current refugee determination system.


  1. Hon. Catherine Branson QC [Mp3, 10MB]
  2. Dr Jane McAdam [Mp3, 32MB]
  3. Phil Glendenning [Mp3, 21.6MB]
  4. Questions and Answers [Mp3, 18.2MB]

Photos at the seminar

Hon. Catherine Branson, the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission Dr Jane McAdam, Senior Lecturer in the Law Faculty at UNSW Phil Glendenning, Director of the Edmund Rice Centre in Sydney

The audience at the seminar