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2010 Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers

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Graeme Inness AM - Disability Discrimination CommissionerForeword

It has become apparent to the Australian Human Rights Commission that employers and managers are supportive of workers with mental illness. However, there is a need for guidance on how to do this better.

With one in five Australian adults experiencing a mental illness every year, this publication will assist you find the best way to maximise productivity while reducing the incidence of illness in your workplace.

As a manager or employer, Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers provides you with information on how to appropriately support workers with mental illness. It also provides you with information about how to develop and promote a safe and healthy work environment for all workers.

As well as supporting your workforce, this guide will help you to understand your obligations under occupational health and safety (OHS) and disability discrimination legislation and to understand mental illness and how to talk about mental illness.

All Australians have a right to work and are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. I believe to achieve this, there must be a commitment from everyone in the workplace – employers and workers.

This commitment is reinforced through Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers.

I hope this guide improves your capacity as a manager or employer to manage OHS issues, treat all employees fairly and ensure safer and more productive workplaces for all Australians.

Graeme Innes AM
Disability Discrimination Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission