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HREOC Report No. 10 - Human rights violations in the Perth Immigration Detention Centre

Human rights violations in the Perth Immigration Detention Centre

HREOC Report No. 10

Human Rights Commissioner's Report No.10 (29 June 2000) is titled Report of an Inquiry into Complaints of Acts or Practices Inconsistent With or Contrary to Human Rights in an Immigration Detention Centre. It deals with a complaint by a Nigerian national detained at the Perth Immigration Detention Centre. The complaint included allegations that the detainee was handcuffed, shackled, placed in a windowless room for six days, denied medical treatment and held in detention for more than twelve months in 1996 and 1997. The treatment of the detainee was found, in some respects, to be in violation of ICCPR article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which requires detainees to be treated humanely. The complainant has been removed from Australia and his present whereabouts and well-being are unknown.

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