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Launch of the It’s Your Right! Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) resource

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Launch of the It’s Your Right! Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) resource

The Attorney-General, The Hon Robert McClelland, launched the teaching resource about human rights in Australia at the inaugural Settlement Council of Australia (ScoA) Conference on 28 May 2009 in Canberra. The launch was a great success, with approximately 150 people in attendance.

It’s your right! challenges us all to think creatively about the application of human rights, and brings fresh energy to their development,” said the Attorney-General. “I am confident that this resource kit will not only help individuals to understand human rights but also to look forward and contribute to the development of our society.”

The launch was an excellent opportunity to explore the links between theoretical concepts such as human rights, and their practical application and accessibility within a community setting, such as within Migrant Resource Centres.

Click here to read the Attorney-General’s full speech

Click here to visit the new ScoA website


the Hon Robert McClelland making a speech

From left to right: Lilliana Hajncl, Melika Yassin Sheikh-Eldin, the Hon Robert McClelland, Maggie Power, Jennifer Davis