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Finding Balance: Fighting Disinformation without Threatening Free Expression

Technology and Human Rights


Learn about the Commission's view on Exposure Draft of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023.

Combatting misinformation and disinformation

If the Australian Government is to combat misinformation and disinformation, strict transparency and accountability mechanisms must be in place. There must also be some consensus on where to draw the line between a difference of opinion (where reasonable minds may differ) and misinformation and disinformation.

Australia should fight misinformation and disinformation without censoring opinions we disagree with – unless those opinions can be considered misinformation and disinformation.

Exposure Draft Bill

The Exposure Draft Bill is designed to give new powers to social media organisations and the Australian Communications and Media Authority to combat misinformation and disinformation.

Our submission

The Commission holds reservations about the current version of the Exposure Draft Bill.  

However, the Commission welcomes the opportunity to engage in future consultations on any amended version of this Bill.