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Submission: Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework – supplementary to submission 1

Commission – General

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

Committees submitted to
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

The purpose of this submission is to provide further information to complement the Commission’s first submission. In proposing key elements required to ensure that a future National Human Rights Framework is robust and achieves outcomes that improve the protection of human rights in Australia, this second submission:

  • focuses on how promoting and protecting human rights in the light of a federal Human Rights Act will help build a culture of rights-mindedness
  • illustrates how the Commission’s proposed model for a Human Rights Act would work in practice
  • identifies the ways in which a proposed federal Human Rights Act would address existing gaps in Australia’s current framework for the protection of human rights
  • offers case-studies across a range of areas such as freedom of speech, aged care and social security to support the case for a Human Rights Act and consider improvements that can be made with the introduction of a Human Rights Act
  • highlights key opportunities for reform within discrimination law for the protection of human rights in Australia.