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Utilising ethical AI in the education system

Technology and Human Rights

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations


Learn more about how ethical AI can be used in schools and education to promote learning and human rights.

Ethical AI in schools

Education is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realising other human rights. The right to education is recognised in a range of international human rights instruments and must be protected and promoted. 

Generative AI has the potential to transform learning and improve educational outcomes, but only if AI is used ethically. If ethical AI is not integrated into the Australian education system responsibly, there could be serious risks to human rights. 

Rights of children

To this end, any adoption of AI in to the educational system must promote the best interests of children in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child.

To best do this, any educational policy on AI must engage in ongoing consultations with young people and children. 

Human rights risks

If ethical AI is not adopted by the Australian educational system in a responsible manner, several human rights risks may become prevalent in schools, such as:

  • privacy and security concerns
  • the commercialisation of personal information
  • algorithmic bias and discrimination 
  • misuse of technologies, such as deepfakes
  • undermining educational integrity 
  • increasing digital inequality

Our submission 

Technology has become integral in the lives of many young people, children, parents and teachers but has not been well-regulated. If the Australian educational system is to integrate generative AI in to classrooms, it must do so ethically and carefully. 

Our submission to the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training's Inquiry into the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Australian Educational System makes 16 recommendations that can help to ensure that human rights are protected and promoted in respect of ethical AI in schools.