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Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention

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Submission to National Inquiry

into Children in Immigration Detention from

the Social Responsibilities

Commission, Anglican Province of Western Australia

Dear Dr Ozdowski

The Social Responsibilities Commission was established by the Anglican

Diocese of Perth in the early 1980s, and became a provincial body a decade

later. Throughout its history, the Commission has sought to be an advocate

for the human rights of all people, particularly those who are the most

vulnerable in society.

The inquiry into

the situation of children in immigration detention centres has been welcomed

by the Commission, and we wish you well in this important endeavour.

Because of its concern

for refugees and asylum seekers, the Commission has formed close links

with CARAD, the Coalition Assisting Refugees After Detention.

CARAD has forwarded

a copy of their submission to the Commission, and I am writing to endorse

that submission.

In particular, the

Commission shares CARAD's opposition to the detention of asylum seekers

while their claim for protection is being processed. This has been the

Commission's position since the introduction of the detention policy over

a decade ago.

As CARAD's submission

is lengthy, we have chosen not to send you another copy, but simply ask

that you note our support for it.





Revd Dr Anna J Killigrew


May 3rd, 2002



Updated 9 January 2003.