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Young Muslim Women’s Short Animation Film Project

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Young Muslim Women’s Short Animation Film Project

Project partner: Bankstown Area Multicultural Network

Location: Sydney, NSW (in Bankstown, Auburn and Granville)

Timeline: until August 2009

Huriyya and Her Sisters

[ click on image for larger version ]

The project

This community cultural development project has brought together an ethnically-diverse group of young Muslim women to develop creative expression and skills in all aspects of digital animation to produce a short animation film.

The film Huriyya and Her Sisters creatively engages with social and cultural issues affecting young Muslim women through an exploration of their experiences.

The young Muslim women have been developing self-expression, storyboarding, calligraphy, music, digital animation, sound design, editing and video production skills through workshops facilitated by experienced CCD artists.


  • Huriyya and Her Sisters will be launched on 5 July 2009 at the Arab Film Festival Australia in Sydney as part of the Dreaming 1001 Rights forum, by Randa Abdel-Fattah, who is also an IAG member for the Arts Initiative
  • Huriyya and Her Sisters is one of three Australian films showing at the Arab Film Festival Australia
  • Young Muslim women have completed Huriyya and Her Sisters - recently finalising the storyboarding, visual art design, graphics and animation
  • Young Muslim women participated in a human rights info workshop run by Commission staff in March 2009
  • Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick was interviewed by some of the young Muslim women for a future community radio segment
  • This project has been used as an evaluation case study for the Commission’s Community Partnerships for Human Rights Program

Photo gallery

Young Muslim women participating in the human rights workshop in March 2009

[ click on images for larger picture ]

Young Muslim women participating in the human rights workshop Young Muslim women participating in the human rights workshop - interviewing