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A last resort? Useful links

A last resort?

National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention



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Media Pack - A last resort? The report of the National Inquiry inot Children in Immigration Detention
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Media Pack Homepage

Statements by Dr Sev Ozdowski, Human Rights Commissioner

(Audio Files for Download)

Inquiry Commissioner and Assistants Biographies

About the Inquiry

Inquiry Methodology

Terms of Reference

Useful Links and Resources

Information Sheets:

A last resort? - The report of the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention

Summary Guide

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Useful Links and Resources


The Report on the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention is available in several formats



The Report on the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention and the community guide are subject to copyright. If any material is published or reproduced from the report or the community guide in any way it needs to be acknowledged to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

A small number of drawings and a poem were submitted to the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention during visits to immigration detention centres and in focus groups. The Commission has made these available for publication or reproduction on its website at

Again, if any of this material is published or reproduced it needs to be acknowledged to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.


There are a number of directions to protect the privacy, security of employment and human rights of people assisting or otherwise involved in the subject of this Inquiry. In summary, the directions are:

  • That the identity of asylum seekers1 giving evidence, producing information or documents, or making submissions to this Inquiry (or proposing to do such things) is not to be disclosed;
  • That the identity of all other persons giving evidence, producing information or documents, and making submissions to this Inquiry (or proposing to do such things) who request anonymity is not to be disclosed; and
  • That evidence or information produced to the inquiry is not to be published in a way that identifies or could identify any individual.

The directions also prevent publication of material such as photographs that would disclose the identity of a person in the above categories. Please note that it is an offence under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act to contravene these directions.

The Commission has made available as much material as possible in an authorised form that will avoid identification of people subject to these orders.

Information about these orders, including the reasons for them, can be found on the Commission’s website at:

1. "Asylum seekers" here refers to all persons who claim or have claimed to be a refugee (as defined by the Refugees Convention whether or not they are or were in fact a refugee and whether or not they have applied for a visa to enter and/or remain in Australia on the basis that they are a refugee.

Click on the links to below to download this information in:

© Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Last updated 13 May 2004.