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Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Appendix 4

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Report


Appendix 4: Public hearings

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The Inquiry held seven formal public hearings around Australia between 26 July 2006 and 20 October 2006. Overall, 32 organisations and 44 individuals appeared at the public hearings.

Audio and written notes from the hearings are available on the Inquiry website at

For further information about the hearings see Chapter 2 on Methodology.

The following is a list of witnesses who appeared at each of the hearings, in the order of appearance.

Sydney 26 July 2006

ACON, Stevie Clayton, Chief Executive Officer; Anna Bacik, Senior Policy Advisor; Geoff Honnor, President and Adrian Lovney, Board Member

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Abigail Groves, Policy Analyst and Bridget Haire, Media Officer

Jim Woulfe

Susan Everingham

Michael Burge

Lynne Martin

Jiro Takamisawa

Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (NSW), David Scamell and Vicki Harding, Co-Conveners.

NSW Law Reform Commission, Professor Michael Tilbury, Commissioner and Peter Hennessy, Executive Director

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, Dr Michaela Anderson, Director of Policy and Research

Inner City Legal Centre, Natalie Ross, Principal Solicitor

Australian Services Union, Jo Justo, National Industrial Officer

Community and Public Sector Union, Lisa Newman, Deputy National President and Peter Feltham, Project Officer

Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, Dr Andrew Lynch

Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Vijaya Raman, Policy Officer and Jo Schulman, Equality Solicitor

NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, Fiona Kerr, Legal Officer

Perth 9 August 2006

Brian Greig, Former Federal MP

The Hon Giz Watson MLC

Kelly and Samantha Pilgrim-Byrne

Gay and Lesbian Equality WA, Rod Swift, Convener

Australian Coalition for Equality, Rod Swift, Secretary

University of Western Australia, Beverley Hill, Manager – Equity and Diversity

Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia, Yvonne Henderson, Equal Opportunity Commissioner

Women in Social and Economic Research, Dr Rob Guthrie, Head of School – School of Business Law, Curtin University

Adelaide 28 August 2006

The Hon Ian Hunter MLC

Sue McNamara and Leanne Nearmy

Barry Mortimer and Henry Tibb

Let’s Get Equal, Matthew Loader

Dr Jo Harrison, Fellow of the Australian Association of Gerontology

Margie Collins

Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia, Linda Matthews, Commissioner for Equal Opportunity

Hobart 25 September 2006

Roger Lovell

Jonathan Hodgkin

David Samson and Kevin O’Loghlin

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group, Martine Delaney, Jen Van Acherton and Rodney Croome – Spokespersons

Gay and Lesbian Community Centre, Richard Hale

Melbourne 26 September 2006

Janet Jukes and Monica Ferrari

Lee Matthews and Tony Wood

Felicity Martin and Sarah Lowe

Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, Gerard Brody, Policy Working Group Convener and Aly M, Co-Convener

Equal Opportunity Commission of Victoria, Ben Rice, Acting Manager – Legal, Policy and Systemic Initiatives and Jamie Gardiner, Member of the Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria

Law Institute of Victoria, Leigh Johns, Former Chair and current Executive Committee Member, Workplace Relations Section and Joanne Kummrow, Solicitor, Administrative Law and Human Rights Section

Women’s Health Victoria, Kerrilie Rice, Policy and Research Officer

Melbourne 27 September 2006

Eilis Hughes

Doug Pollard

Grant Goodwin

ALSO Foundation, Nan McGregor, Board Member

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Peter Anderson, Director – Workplace Policy

Miranda Stewart, Senior Lecturer in Law

Australian Council of Trade Unions, Cath Bowtell, Industrial Officer

Human Rights Law Resource Centre, Philip Lynch, Director and Principal Solicitor

Brisbane 11 October 2006

Kaz Heffernan, Male Queer Sexuality Officer, University of Queensland Union 2006

Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays (PFLAG) Brisbane, Shelley Argent OAM and Grainne Ridd

Anti-Discrimination Commission of Queensland, Susan Booth, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

Action Reform Change Queensland and Queensland AIDS Council, Carman Parsons, Member – Action Reform Change Queensland

Canberra 20 October 2006

Gary Fan and Wayne Lodge

John Curmi

Penelope Morton

Brian McKinlay and James Kim

Tony Whelan

Heidi Yates

Good Process, Heidi Yates and Llewellyn Reynders

Simon Corbell MLA, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning, Minister for Police and Emergency Services in the ACT and Renee Leon, Department of Justice and Community Safety

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Amy Kilpatrick, ACT Convener and Andrew Thomas

ACT Human Rights Office, Jenny Earle, Human Rights and Discrimination Law Policy Officer and Julie Whitmore, Senior Conciliator

Superannuated Commonwealth Officers Association, John Coleman, Federal Secretary