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Valuing Parenthood - Abbreviations


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Valuing Parenthood - Options for Paid Parental Leave: Interim Paper 2002


ABS - Australian
Bureau of Statistics

ACIRRT - Australian
Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training

ACTU - Australian
Council of Trade Unions

ADAM - Agreements
Database and Monitor

AIFS - Australian
Institute of Family Studies

AIRC - Australian
Industrial Relations Commission

ALSS - Australian
Living Standards Study

AMA - Australian
Medical Association

AWA - Australian
Workplace Agreement

AWARIS - Australian
Workplace Agreements Research Information System

AWIRS - Australian
Workplace Industrial Relations Survey

CEDAW - Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

CROC - Convention
on the Rights of the Child

DEWR - Department
of Employment and Workplace Relations

DEWRSB - Department
of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business

EOWA - Equal Opportunity
for Women in the Workplace Agency

FTB - Family Tax

FTB(A) - Family
Tax Benefit Part A

FTB(B) - Family
Tax Benefit Part B

HILDA - Household,
Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey

HREOC - Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity Commission

ILO - International
Labour Organization

ILO 183 - Maternity
Protection Convention

OECD - Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development

OSW - Office of
the Status of Women

SEAS - Survey of
Employment Arrangements and Superannuation

TFR - total fertility

UNICEF - United
Nations Children's Fund

WAD - Workplace
Agreements Database

WHO - World Health