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Rights and Freedoms

Speech delivered to Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Today I want to talk to you first generally about Australia’s human rights obligations, and the role of the Commission. I will then move to discuss three key human rights obligations which are relevant to decisions which some officers within the Department make every day.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Freedom of speech is not in danger in Australia (2013)

Freedom of speech is alive and well in Australia but, with respect to Voltaire, we will not defend to the death those who abuse this right by vilifying others in public on the ground of race.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Tweaking the draft bill could preserve core reforms

The proposed anti-discrimination law has critics, but it delivers a balanced package. If the release of the exposure draft of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 was intended to stimulate public discussion about an important reform initiative, it has clearly done what it set out to do.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

President Speech: Religion in the public square

I would like to begin today by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Wurundjeri peoples, and pay my respect to their elders, past and present.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Opening a door on the bleak truth of homelessness (2010)

The following opinion pieces have been published by the President and Commissioners. Reproduction of the opinion pieces must include reference to where the opinion piece was originally published.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Stand on your rights, or see them trampled (2009)

Australia is a great country to live in — for most of us most of the time. We don’t suffer the terrible poverty witnessed in some parts of the world, our judicial system works well by international standards and most of us can vote in elections by secret ballot. Most of us can live pretty safely, say what we like most of the time and, if we are so inclined, practise our faith in peace. Most of us have access to decent education and health services.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Don Dunstan Oration (2008)

People often ask me why I feel so strongly about human rights. Perhaps it is fate - both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and I were born 60 years ago. But I think it is simpler than that - I want to feel proud of the Australia that I live in.  

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Bill of rights is essential to best serve human rights (2008)

Five years ago I began my term as the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, confident in the ability of the common law and a robust democracy to protect human rights. I leave convinced we need a major legal and cultural overhaul in order to deal with the human rights challenges of the 21st century.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

A question of human rights (2008)

As the Government points out on its Australia 2020 Summit website, the new century has thrown up enormous challenges, as well as breathtaking opportunities to us all.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Opinion Pieces - Immigration detention laws need reviewing (2008)

This is an often depressing tour that we at the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) undertake every year to monitor the conditions of immigration detention in Australia for compliance with internationally recognised human rights obligations. We tour and inspect the facilities, interview the staff and meet with the detainees themselves.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

No need to abandon human rights to be tough on terror (2006)

In the post-September 11 world, debate about counter-terrorism is often characterised as an argument between 'the realists', who appreciate the need for tough new counter-terrorism laws, and 'the out of touch', who fail to take the terrorist threat seriously.

Category, Opinion