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RightsED: Child Rights - Activity sheet: Rights and wants 2

Child rights


Activity sheet: Rights and wants 2

  • Work in small groups to assess the following statements.
  • Decide whether each statement is a RIGHT or a WANT of children
    and young people and place a tick in the appropriate box.
I have a right to a good education

I have a right to vote in government elections

I have a right to rest and play

I have a right to health care

I have a right to new clothes

I have a right to be cared for by my parents

I have a right to my own bedroom

I have a right to speak my own language

I have a right to be safe in the place where I live

I have a right to have my views taken seriously by adults

I have a right to choose whether or not I go to school

I have a right to choose my own friends and the groups I belong to

I have a right to special care if my parents can’t look after

I have a right to enter the supermarket

I have a right to legal help so my rights can be protected


Share your answers with the class and explain why you think each statement is
either a RIGHT or a WANT.


Write down next to each statement the people that are responsible for
protecting each of the rights. For example: is it you, your parents, your
teacher, the police or perhaps the government?


Do all children have the same rights? Research the lives of other children in
Australia and other countries. Find out:

  • what they do during the day
  • when/ where they go to school
  • who they live with.

Compare your findings with others in your