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Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Glossary

Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Report



adoptive parent
A person who has legally adopted a child.
assisted reproductive technology.
ART child
A child conceived through ART.
assisted reproductive technology
Conception other than through intercourse, including in

vitro fertilisation, clinically-assisted donor insemination and


birth father
A father listed on a child’s birth


birth mother
A woman who gives birth to a child.
Convention on the Rights of the


de facto couple
Two people in a de facto relationship.
de facto relationship
A relationship between two people living together as a

couple on a genuine domestic basis, irrespective of gender.

gay co-father
A person in a gay couple intending to raise a child from

birth, who is not a birth father.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social and

Cultural Rights

ILO 111
International Labour Organisation, Discrimination

(Employment and Occupation) Convention 1958

HREOC’s National Inquiry into Discrimination

against People in Same-Sex Relationships.

legal parent
A person noted as a parent on a child’s birth

certificate or an adoptive parent.

lesbian co-mother
The female partner of the birth mother at the time a

child is conceived and born.

opposite-sex couple
A de facto couple where one member is the opposite sex

to the other.

opposite-sex family
An opposite-sex couple with one or more


opposite-sex partner
One member of an opposite-sex couple.
parenting order
A parenting order issued by the Family Court of

Australia under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).

same-sex couple
A de facto couple where one member is the same sex as

the other.

same-sex family
A same-sex couple with one or more


same-sex partner
One member of a same-sex couple.
social parent
Any person (often a subsequent partner) significant to

the care and welfare of a child who is not a birth mother, birth father, lesbian

co-mother or gay co-father .


Executive Summary << Glossary of Terms >> Chapter 1