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Schedule A: Summary of ADFA’s list of 44 outstanding actions from the ADFA Audit Report

  1. Provide outcomes of the Establishment Review.
  2. Promote awareness of the Review and changes introduced in response.
  3. Recommendation 3 – provide evidence of effectiveness of Communications Plan.
  4. Recommendation 3 – draft a statement on ADFA’s role and purpose and place on website.
  5. More consistent communication within the RIT.
  6. Recommendation 3 – making the unique value of the tri-Service environment explicit.
  7. Recommendation 7 – promote the positive, not punitive aspects of equity and diversity, particularly as a core value underpinning ethical leadership.
  8. Recommendation 7 – provide evidence which shows that complaints management is taught as part of the military law package.
  9. Recommendation 9 – evaluate any remaining barriers to accessing the Equity Advisor network.
  10. Recommendation 9 – ongoing evaluation of the SOSP Network, linking SOSPs with SeMPRO.
  11. Recommendation 10b – organise program of forums featuring female role models.
  12. Recommendation 12b – COMDT should have the right to veto staff selections. However, if the authority for decision making regarding staff selection is to remain unchanged, it is vital that consultation and selection interviews occur before posting decisions are made.
  13. Recommendation 12c – innovative strategies for gaining a wider pool of educators.
  14. Recommendation 12d – recommend to each Service that they delegate the decision making authority for staff selection and for the removal of underperforming undergraduates and staff to the COMDT ADFA.
  15. Recommendation 14 – evidence of gaining the services of an expert Appreciative Inquiry facilitator.
  16. Recommendation 14 – evidence of ongoing staff learning groups.
  17. Recommendation 15 – provide evidence of change to the generic Service performance appraisal documents.
  18. Recommendation 16c – further work on exploring a range of cadet recruitment options for ADFA which recognise the different life course of women compared to men.
  19. Recommendation 17 – matching mentors with cadets.
  20. Recommendation 17 – further work on mentoring.
  21. Recommendation 17 – offer all cadets a mentor.
  22. Recommendation 18 – ensure that alcohol testing does not regress to 2010 figures.
  23. Recommendation 18 – monitor the number of qualified testers to ensure testing can be adequately conducted.
  24. Recommendation 18 – monitor the link between excessive consumption of alcohol and unacceptable behaviour.
  25. Recommendation 19 – conduct safety assessment envisaged by the Review.
  26. Recommendation 19 – engage undergraduates to identify internal social/cultural risks in the precinct and develop strategies.
  27. Recommendation 20 – RSOs should have a direct line to the COMDT in case of serious issues.
  28. Recommendation 20 – address RSO funding and attraction issues.
  29. Recommendation 21 – explore how RSO’s can be better conduits between undergraduates and staff.
  30. Recommendation 21c – develop a set of principles addressing women’s security and safety.
  31. Recommendation 22 – develop and validate sexual ethics training.
  32. Recommendation 22 – collaborate with an expert educator in the design, delivery and evaluation of the sexual ethics program and consult with SeMPRO on this program.
  33. Recommendation 23 – separate the concepts of complaints management and equity and diversity and de-stigmatise complaint making.
  34. Recommendation 24 – widely advertise SeMPRO and its functions, including its support line, and facilitate strong linkages between ADFA’s SOSP Network and SeMPRO.
  35. Recommendation 25 – develop strategic organisational response to the Unacceptable Behaviour survey results, conducted in September 2012.
  36. Recommendation 27 – continued improvement and quality control of incident database.
  37. Recommendation 28 – monitor effectiveness of revised incident reporting system.
  38. Recommendation 29 – establish a formal annual quality assurance mechanism for incident database.
  39. Recommendation 30 – seek expert advice in relation to the timing of suicide awareness presentation during YOFT.
  40. Recommendation 30 – follow up research application to study relationship between running technique and incidence of chronic exertional leg pain.
  41. Recommendation 30 – continue to address injury risks associated with female undergraduates and develop measures to combat these risks.
  42. Recommendation 30 – continue to monitor and address enduring stigma associated with injury which undermines women.
  43. Recommendation 31 – clarify which number to call in the event of an emergency or imminent threat.
  44. Recommendation 31 – enhance relationships with key external service providers to support needs of female undergraduates.