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Positive Duty Form

  • Current Start screen
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Complete

Before you begin

The Commission also inquires into and conciliates complaints about discrimination and breaches of human rights. This is different to completing the Positive Duty Form. Make a complaint about discrimination or human rights breaches here.

Please note:

  • this form will take less than 10 minutes  
  • you may choose to complete the form anonymously. 

We aim to keep the information you provide to us in this form confidential, but there are circumstances where it may be necessary for us to disclose information, including personal information, for example to carry out our statutory functions or where disclosure is required by law. Our PDT Privacy Collection Notice and our Privacy Policy set out how we collect and use the personal information you disclose to us. 

By completing and submitting this form, you confirm that you have read the Commission’s Privacy Policy and the PDT Privacy Collection Notice, and consent to the collection and use of the personal information and sensitive information you disclose to us for the purposes set out in the PDT Privacy Collection Notice.

When we receive the information in your completed Positive Duty Online Form

We will:

  • analyse the information  
  • use it to inform our inquiries into organisations and businesses
  • use it to decide where best to focus our resources to bring about meaningful cultural change.

We will not:

  • act on your behalf to resolve individual disputes
  • contact you or respond, unless we need further information from you, and only if you have provided consent.

Some of the fields within the form are mandatory. These will be marked with a red asterisk (*)

If you would like further information on the positive duty, you can click on the links below:

People who experience or see workplace sexual harassment, discrimination or other behaviours covered by the positive duty may feel distressed. Access a list of free and confidential counselling and support services (PDF, 202 KB).