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Age Discrimination27 November 2019Media Release
Attorneys-General Need to Act on Elder Abuse
Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson is calling on the Council of Attorneys-General to agree to take immediate action on elder abuse at their meeting tomorrow to develop a timetable outlining its action plan. “Elder abuse is a blight on our society. Older Australians do not have time on their side, they need immediate action from Governments at state and federal levels,” said Dr … -
Age Discrimination19 December 2024Webpage
About making a complaint
If you experience discrimination, you can address it directly or make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission. Complaints can be made online or in writing. -
Age Discrimination11 December 2024News story
New project to tackle financial elder abuse
The Commission is bringing together representatives from the banking and financial services sector and peak community organisations to work together to improve the prevention and response to elder abuse. -
Age Discrimination15 October 2024Submission
Achieving Greater Consistency in Laws for Financial Enduring Powers of Attorney (consultation paper)
Submission to the Attorney-General's Department (13 December 2023) -
Age Discrimination19 December 2024Webpage
Financial Elder Abuse Project
A collective of representatives from the banking and financial services and peak community organisation sectors which will work together to improve the prevention and response to financial elder abuse. -
Age Discrimination25 June 2024News story
Retirement village operators urged to improve elder abuse protections
The Age Discrimination Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald AM, has called on Australia’s retirement living sector to introduce new nationwide strategies to better identify and respond to the abuse of residents. Elder abuse affects one in six older Australians, including those living in retirement villages. The abuse can take many forms, including neglect, financial exploitation, physical… -
Age Discrimination28 March 2024News story
Robert Fitzgerald commences as Age Discrimination Commissioner
Find out about the Age Discrimination Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald AM’s immediate and long-term priorities to eliminate ageism and age discrimination. -
Age Discrimination20 December 2023Submission
Australia Post Services Modernisation
The Australian Human Rights Commission provided this submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department) regarding the modernisation of Australian postal services. The Commission did this in response to the ‘ Postal Services Modernisation: Discussion Paper’. While recognising the need for modernisation of postal… -
Age Discrimination26 April 2023Media Release
State AG inaction enables power-of-attorney parasites: Commissioner
Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner says thousands of older Australians are being robbed and cheated out of millions of dollars every year because of a dysfunctional enduring power-of-attorney (EPOA) framework. The Commissioner is calling on state and territory Attorneys-General to commit to fixing the problem at the Standing Council of Attorneys-General meeting in Darwin this week… -
Age Discrimination16 May 2023Speech
Human Rights Don't Diminish With Age (2023)
Hon. Dr Kay Patterson AO Age Discrimination Commissioner Speech to Chris Barnard Nursing Agency (CBNA) MACG Grand Cedar, Ashwood VIC, 3 May 2023 CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Welcome everyone - I wish to acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong people as the traditional owners of the lands from which I speak and pay respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. I also want to -
Age Discrimination8 August 2023Speech
Building a better cultural inheritance for an ageing Australia
Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO Age Discrimination Commissioner Keynote Address to National Press Club of Australia, Canberra Wednesday, 28 June, 2023 CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Welcome Thank you Andrew Tillett (National Press Club Vice President) for your kind introduction. I am sometimes introduced incorrectly, but maybe more accurately, as the Ageing Discrimination Commissioner. I wish to acknowledge… -
Age Discrimination9 September 2021Speech
Safety and Security for Older Women
National Summit on Women’s Safety Safety and Security for Older Women Dr Kay Patterson Age Discrimination Commissioner Via Video Conference Tuesday 7 September 2021 Introduction I would like to thank Senator the Hon Marise Payne and Senator the Hon Anne Ruston for inviting me to speak at this National Summit. I acknowledge the Kulin Nation peoples as the traditional owners of the land from… -
Age Discrimination13 May 2024Webpage
The 'Let's Talk Ageing' Series
Our new 'Let’s Talk Ageing' interview series showcases insights from thought-leaders about ageing in Australia and beyond. -
Age Discrimination22 July 2020Media Release
Urgent call to harmonise powers of attorney
Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner, the Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO, has called on the federal and state and territory Attorneys-General to act urgently to implement the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) recommendations on powers of attorney at the COAG meeting on 27 July. The Australian Human Rights Commission has heard from lawyers, peak bodies and frontline workers of a sharp… -
Age Discrimination5 May 2019Publication
Older Women’s Risk of Homelessness: Background Paper (2019)
This background paper provides context regarding older women’s homelessness. It offers some potential solutions to reduce women’s risk of homelessness with a focus on preventative and innovative approaches that look beyond social and community housing as the answer. -
Age Discrimination30 September 2019Media Release
International Day of Older Persons
The International Day of Older Persons is an opportunity to consider the contribution made by older Australian workers and the importance of creating age friendly workplaces. The percentage of Australians aged 65 and over in the labour force doubled between 2000 and 2015 - and 20% of people over 70 are still working. We need to continue this trend so individuals can contribute and continue… -
Age Discrimination1 March 2021Media Release
Statement on the Aged Care Royal Commission report
The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the publication of the final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Following the findings and recommendations in the report, released today, the Commission would like to see the human rights of older people embedded in the planning, provision and monitoring of aged care services in Australia. “Older people have the… -
Age Discrimination13 July 2023Media Release
New research prompts call for aged care to embrace training on ageism
Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner has called on organisations providing services to older people to deliver ageism awareness training to their staff, with new research showing it can be highly effective in shifting attitudes. The Australian Human Rights Commission surveyed aged care and community workers before and after undertaking a training session, which covered several topics … -
Age Discrimination22 May 2019Publication
Your Rights at Retirement (2019)
2019 Update. Your Rights At Retirement: A guide to making decisions and navigating you through your later life. -
Age Discrimination7 April 2022Speech
Local Government’s role in promoting active ageing and wellbeing
Explore a speech by the Age Discrimination Commissioner regarding local government's role in promoting active ageing and wellbeing.
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