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Age Discrimination2 November 2015Publication
Older Australians at Work Summit
A key task of the Older Australians at Work Summit was to investigate what is stopping older people from continuing to contribute within the workplace, and how to get rid of those barriers. The summit provided an opportunity for academics, HR experts, business executives and consultants to come together and examine ways that we can revolutionise the way we work. -
Age Discrimination26 May 2016Publication
Willing to Work: Healthy Ageing Paper (2016)
This paper expands on the evidence presented in the Willing to Work Inquiry regarding the link between health and workforce participation. As a critical factor of ongoing workforce participation it is important to analyse how improvements in health and related workplace practices can facilitate and enhance policies aimed at increasing the workforce participation of older people. -
Sex Discrimination25 July 2014Publication
Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review Report
In 2013, the Australian Government asked the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, on behalf of the Australian Human Rights Commission, to undertake a National Review into discrimination related to pregnancy, parental leave and return to work after parental leave. -
Disability Rights25 July 2016Publication
Willing to Work: Good Practice Examples for Employers (2016)
Some employers, particularly small businesses, told us that they would have liked to do more to hire and retain employees with disability and older employees, but were time-poor and had limited resources and access to information. For this reason, we have produced this resource which sets out our recommendations to businesses, examples of existing good practice and a list of available… -
Disability Rights19 August 2015Publication
Willing to Work - Booklet 1: about the National Inquiry
Explore a series of booklets that are part of a National Inquiry in to employment discrimination against older Australians and Australians with disability. -
Disability Rights25 August 2015Publication
Willing to Work - Booklet 2: employment and older Australians
Explore what older Australians and those with a disability can do when they encounter employment discrimination. -
Age Discrimination24 May 2019Publication
Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability (2016)
The right to work is a fundamental human right, but one that far too many older people and people with disability in Australia do not enjoy. -
Disability Rights25 August 2015Publication
Willing to Work - Booklet 4: what you can do about employment discrimination
Technology and Human Rights21 September 2023Publication
HRIA Tool: AI in Banking
Learn more about how banks and financial institutions can use AI ethically to protect and promote human rights. -
Children's Rights1 November 2023Publication
Building belonging
A toolkit for early childhood educators on cultural diversity and responding to prejudice. See more. -
Technology and Human Rights10 July 2023Publication
Final Report: Human Rights and Technology
Learn more about how to create ethical AI to ensure the technology is compliant with technology and human rights principles. -
Commission – General3 November 2022Publication
Annual Report 2021-2022
This Annual Report sets out the performance of the Australian Human Rights Commission in the 2021–2022 financial year. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice11 May 2023Publication
Summit Communique
Over four days, 900 First Nations women from all reaches of the continent came together on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, with non-indigenous women collaborators. At the conclusion of the Summit, delegates issued a Communique outlining their perspectives, calls to action and recommendations for Australian governments and other stakeholders to work with them to realise their vision for First … -
Children's Rights20 November 2023Publication
Scoping project for National Child and Family Investment Strategy
In this report, the National Children’s Commissioner makes 18 recommendations about how the National Child and Family Investment Strategy should work. -
Commission – General18 August 2022Publication
Corporate Plan 2022 - 2023
This Corporate Plan shows how we achieve our purpose and promote an Australian society where human rights are enjoyed by everyone, everywhere, everyday. -
Commission – General14 October 2020Publication
Annual Report 2019-2020
This Annual Report sets out the performance of the Australian Human Rights Commission in the 2019–2020 financial year. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice15 February 2022Publication
Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) - Implementation Framework (2022)
This Implementation Framework provides guidance for translating the substantial findings of the Report into meaningful action and provides examples of innovative First Nations women and girl-led initiatives across a wide range of sectors. -
Commission – General30 August 2023Publication
Corporate Plan 2023–2024
Discover the corporate plan for 2023-2024. -
Commission – General27 August 2021Publication
Corporate Plan 2021 - 2022
Respect for human rights and freedoms is the cornerstone of a cohesive and peaceful society in which everyone can make a contribution and feel safe and included. This Corporate Plan shows how we achieve our purpose and promote an Australian society where human rights are enjoyed by everyone, everywhere, everyday -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice16 March 2022Publication
Close the Gap (2022)
This year’s report, Transforming Power – Voices for Generational Change, is a small collection of the hundreds of stories that catalogue the success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led initiatives.