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Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speeches: The Potential Role of National Human Rights Institutions in the Pacific
This paper advocates that National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a very valuable role to play in the Pacific, and that the promotion and protection of human rights in the Pacific would benefit immensely by Pacific nations each establishing a NHRI. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (Paris Principles) - Human rights at your fingertips - Human rights at your fingertips
2. A national institution shall be given as broad a mandate as possible, which shall be clearly set forth in a constitutional or legislative text, specifying its composition and its sphere of competence. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Lawasia Conference
In the contemporary world, and particularly amongst developed economies, many of us believed that the culture of civil liberties, freedoms and non-discrimination are reasonably well established and these precepts have clear links to innovation, creativity and the broader concepts of economic productivity and a well functioning civil society. Indeed, I believe that many of us had come to accept… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Allow me to begin by also acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, and pay my respects to their elders both past and present. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Physical Disability Council of NSW AGM presentation (2009)
Thank you Anne-Mason and Ruth for this invitation to address your AGM on health access issues, and in particular access to height adjustable examination beds in primary health care facilities. -
14 December 2012Book page
Young people in the workplace: Introduction - rightsED
Introduction to young people's rights in the workplace. -
Rights and Freedoms31 October 2013Speech
Freedom of Speech and giving offence: can a balance be struck?
Annual Kirby Lecture on International law: ANZSIL 2013 Thursday 4 July 20136:30 pm Finkel Theatre, John Curtin School of Medical Research,Garran Rd, Australian National University (Check against delivery) Freedom of Speech and giving offence: can a balance be struck? I was especially pleased to be invited to give this address as, throughout my career, I have been enriched by Michael Kirby’s … -
Disability Rights18 March 2013Speech
Australia Post Action Plan Launch (2012)
Australia Post Action Plan Launch Graeme Innes AMDisability Discrimination CommissionerAustralian Human Rights Commission Monday 3 December 2012 I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet today. I also wish you all a happy International Day of People with Disability. Sarah - not her real name - studied law at university. Not only did she earn a good law degree, she won… -
14 December 2012Book page
Employment and Training: African Australians - Compendium (2010)
For migrant and refugee job seekers, finding paid work is both a key indicator and a major determinant of successful settlement. Employment is also a crucial area of social and economic participation. -
14 December 2012Book page
Reconciliation Action Plan 2012 book
The Commission is Australia’s national human rights institution. It is an independent statutory body established under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth). The Commission’s main responsibilities are: -
14 December 2012Book page
Appendices2 - Annual Report 2009-2010: Australian Human Rights Commission
Appendices Appendix 2 – Complaint statistics Enquiries and complaints received In 2010-11 the Commission received 18 670 enquiries and 2 152 complaints which is similar to the average number of enquiries and complaints received over the past five years. • 38% of complaints were lodged under the Disability Discrimination Act • 21% of complaints were lodged under the Sex Discrimination Act •… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
DDA conciliation: education
A man complained on behalf of his grandson, a year 6 school student, that reasonable adjustments were not being made to accommodate his disabilities including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He was concerned that his grandson had been suspended on several occasions, and was frequently sent home from school early. -
4 February 2015Book page
3 Methodology
3.1 Terms of Reference 3.2 Methodology 3.3 Definitions 3.4 Timeframe for the report 3.5 Commission’s previous work concerning children in detention 3.6 Structure of the report On 3 February 2014, the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission launched the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention. The purpose of the Inquiry was to investigate the ways in which life in … -
14 December 2012Book page
Legal challenges in the adoption of bystander approaches
Having discussed current bystander intervention approaches to violence prevention, the paper now considers some of the organisational and legal challenges in the adoption of bystander approaches. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice9 April 2013Project
Reconciliation Action Plan 2012
Reconciliation is important to the Australian Human Rights Commission. First it enables us to build the cultural diversity of our organisation so we are better placed to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to understand and exercise their human rights; secondly as it is appropriate for us to model the importance of understanding and respect for the rights of Aboriginal and… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 1999-2000: International
The Commission undertakes bilateral international activities, generally as part of the Australian Government's development cooperation program developed by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The most substantial of these is the Human Rights Technical Assistance Program, which is an integral part of the annual Dialogue on Human Rights with China. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The Draft United Nations Convention on Human Rights and Disability
I do this in all my public speaking not only because it is proper to do so but because this acknowledgment reminds us that human experience has many levels of diversity, and this of course includes disability. -
14 December 2012Book page
Living Spirit - Muslim Women's Project 2006: Appendices 5 - 15
Tasneem Chopra is the current Chair of the Islamic Women’s Welfare Council of Victoria. She has been involved with this organisation since its inception over 13 years ago, and has a background in psychology, with over a decade of experience in community development. Tasneem currently works independently as a Cross Cultural Trainer and Consultant specialising in information sessions on &… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Past Achievements and Future Strategies in Educating the Public about Human Rights
Let me preface my remarks today with the assertion that, generally speaking, Australia has a strong and proud record on human rights. The Australian Government is formally committed to supporting the universal observance of human rights both at home and abroad saying that this policy helps to achieve a more stable and just international order, which benefits the security and prosperity of… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Chapter 5 - Legal Services
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act gives HREOC the function of inquiring into complaints concerning breaches of human rights or discrimination in employment. HREOC attempts to resolve such complaints through conciliation where appropriate. If the matter is not resolved through conciliation and the President is satisfied that a breach of human rights or an act of discrimination…