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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice27 November 2013Speech
Working with communities to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Australasian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Conference, Royal Brisbane and Royal Women’s Education Centre, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane - Abstract -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Strategies to address discrimination to build a more inclusive country
Discover a speech on strategies to address discrimination. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
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Thank you Professor Lansbury, and thank you to Marian and the Women and Work Research Group for organising today’s forum. Thank you also to our panellists – Dr Lyn Craig, Petra Stirling, and John Murray. -
Rights and Freedoms11 October 2016Speech
Peering through human rights-tinted glasses
Annual Lecture, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law. Given at the State Library of Victoria on 7 October 2016. This year, we celebrate (or mourn, according to your perspective) the 60th anniversary of the first computer to defeat a human in chess. It occurred, predictably enough, in Los Alomos, and the human was a novice. Over the next 30 years, the best humans easily saw off the best… -
Complaint Information Service14 December 2012Webpage
Understanding and preparing for conciliation - Unlawful Discrimination
Learn how the Commission uses the process of conciliation when addressing complaints made by the public regarding incidences of unlawful discrimination. -
14 December 2012Book page
17. Major Findings and Recommendations of the Inquiry
In addition to the detailed findings in each of Chapters 5-16, the Inquiry has made the following major findings in relation to Australia's mandatory immigration detention system as it applied to children who arrived in Australia without a visa (unauthorised arrivals) over the period 1999-2002. -
14 December 2012Book page
Comments on submissions in response to first draft employment standards
These comments were prepared in 1996 by HREOC staff acting as secretariat to the subcommittee of the National Committee on Discrimination in Employment and Occupation considering development of disability standards on employment under the DDA. This document summarises submissions received on the first draft of standards and provides commentary on those submissions. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 12
Just as there are many homes, there are many journeys home. Each one of us will have a different journey from anyone else. The journey home is mostly ongoing and in some ways never completed. It is a process of discovery and recovery, it is a process of (re)building relationships which have been disrupted, or broken or never allowed to begin because of separation (Link-Up (NSW) submission 186). -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry on Employment and Disability Interim Report: chapter 4
No person can achieve a smooth transition and successful entry into the open workforce unless they are 'job ready', and this is especially the case for people with disability. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Notes for presentation to Productivity Commission DDA review
Thank you for the opportunity to be here today. Can I begin by apologising for the Acting Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Sev Ozdowski. Sev has been following this inquiry very closely but had arranged to be away this week before the schedule for these hearings was settled. -
14 December 2012Book page
6 Issues raised outside the themes: Listening Tour Report
Research and literature: This section summarises research that is relevant to each sub-issue. It should be noted the research included in the report is not an exhaustive literature review, but a summary of the research that was presented to the Commissioner during the Listening Tour. -
Sex Discrimination26 April 2013Speech
The face of gender-based discrimination in Australian workplaces
UN Women 2013 International Women’s Day Panel: Implicit stereotypes, explicit solutions: overcoming gender-based discrimination in the workplace Conference Room 2, North Lawn Building, UN 1.15 – 2.30pm, Friday 8 March ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY** The different faces of gender discrimination in Australian workplaces and how national legislation and oversight institutions are contributing to… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 September 2018Speech
Launch of Gilbert and Tobin papers addressing discrimination against people with FASD in Commonwealth and State and Territory law and policy
Recognition: A pathway to realising our rights and ending discrimination Introduction in Bunuba I recognise the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. Good morning everyone, and welcome to the launch of a number papers addressing discrimination experienced by people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – FASD – across Australia… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
International Human Rights Day Address
In keeping with the theme of today's awards, I want to welcome you all here to celebrate our local champions, many of whom are with us as nominees for the 2004 Human Rights Medal and Human Rights Awards. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Webpage
Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage - Key Indicators Report 2005: A human rights perspective - Tom Calma
I acknowledge the Honourable members of Parliament who are present, distinguished guests, and fellow speakers. I am particularly pleased to see some high level bureaucrats present today, and representatives from the OIPC, ICC's, DEST, DEWR, IBA and ABS through to representatives of state governments, and NGOs, academic and research centres, and members of the Indigenous community. I'd like to… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Garma Festival of Traditional Culture
I would like to acknowledge the Gumatj people on whose land we are today. I would also like to acknowledge other Yolngu people and balanda here today and thank the Yothu Yindi Foundation for inviting me to speak at this years Garma Festival where we celebrate the Yolngu culture and world view. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice5 December 2017Speech
Australian Indigenous Governance Institute Indigenous Women in Governance Masterclass
‘I have the right, and so do you: The power of Indigenous women in governance’ [Introduction in Bunuba] Jalangurru lanygu wiyi yani gurama yani. I want to pay my respects to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land we meet on today, and to their elders both past and present. My sincere condolences to family, countrymen, friends and colleagues as we have heard… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Hon. G.G.D. Scholes)--I understand that it is the wish of the House to debate the Disability Discrimination Bill concurrently with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation Amendment Bill. There being no objection, the Chair will allow that course to be followed. -
Disability Rights20 February 2014Speech
Launch of Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Action Plan
Sarah - not her real name - studied law at university. Not only did she earn a good law degree, she won the university medal. She also won competitions for mooting- conducting mock trials for those of you smart enough not to have chosen law as your profession. She could not get a job - or even an interview - with the Australian public service because she has a significant disability, including… -
Disability Rights16 October 2013Speech
Housing Demonstration Project Launch of The Summer Foundation Apartments
Patricia had a degenerative disability, and lived in Department Of Housing accommodation. She has used a wheelchair for the last few years. It was a beautiful sunny day outside, but we talked in her kitchen while my friends from church worked in her garden. She told me she didn't leave the house much, and had only gone out a couple of times this year- it was September.